"God Is Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Is Our Savior"
What You Need To Know:
FAITH OF OUR FATHERS has a good script, but the editing isn’t always smooth and some of the 1997 scenes are goofy. However, the movie as a whole is engaging, and the ending is touching and enthralling. Best of all, FAITH OF OUR FATHERS has a strong evangelistic message. Ultimately, the letters from Wayne’s father and an unknown letter from John Paul’s father focus on Jesus. Both men tell their sons God loves them more than they ever can. They also tell their sons they would gladly die for them just as Jesus died for us all.
(CCC, BBB, PPP, V, M) Very strong Christian, evangelical, moral, patriotic worldview; no foul language; some war violence includes a major gun battle and some explosions; no sex; no nudity; no alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, one man is a little bit mercenary and thinks about holding up a convenience store when a compassionate policeman intervenes, plus two people steal a car from the two protagonists.
More Detail:
FAITH OF OUR FATHERS is a drama about two sons trying to find out about their fathers, who were friends and died together in Vietnam. It’s a compelling, touching movie with a strong Christocentric, evangelistic message focusing on Jesus.
The movie opens in 1997 with John Paul finding a box of his father’s Vietnam War memorabilia when his mother dies. He finds the name of another soldier in his box, along with a photo of his dad and the other guy. He tracks down the name and finds the other soldier’s son, Wayne, living in an Alabama shack. Wayne promises to let John Paul read his father’s letters from the war, but only if John Paul gives him some money and travels with him to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The journey turns out to be full of pitfalls. Meanwhile, as John Paul starts to read each letter, the movie cuts back to show the last days of their fathers’ lives.
FAITH OF OUR FATHERS has a good script, but the editing back and forth to the Vietnam War era isn’t as smooth as it could be. Also, some of the scenes set in 1997 are somewhat goofy. That said, the movie as a whole is engaging and the ending is very touching and fairly enthralling. The war scenes are also suspenseful and absorbing. There’s also some comedy.
Best of all, FAITH OF OUR FATHERS has a strong focus on Jesus. Ultimately, the letters from Wayne’s father and an unknown letter from John Paul’s own father gives both young men the answer they were seeking…and that answer is Jesus. Both men tell their sons that God loves them more than they ever can, and that they would gladly die for them just as Jesus died for us all because He loves us more deeply than any human being can ever do. John Paul and Wayne also learn that just as Jesus Christ showed His love when He died for His friends, their fathers also died for their brothers in arms when they gave their lives for their country.
Thus, FAITH OF OUR FATHERS has a message that is very evangelistic. Caution is advised for younger viewers for some war violence and an attempted robbery that’s stopped before it occurs.