"Paganizing America’s Teenagers"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
FINAL DESTINATION 3 is a pretty lame exercise at modern horror that wallows in gruesome accidental deaths. It is more interested in showing how gruesome it can be rather than developing a real story with meaningful characters. Its worldview is just as abhorrent. The movie depicts Death as an inexorable, even satanic force with no god or divine, benevolent supernatural being controlling it. The movie’s sad depiction of secularized teenagers also shows what happens when God and the Bible are removed from children’s lives.
(PaPaPa, HH, OO, AB, FR, LLL, VVV, S, NN, A, D, M) Very strong, nihilistic pagan worldview with strong humanist elements where Death is an inexorable and even satanic force, and there is no god or divine, benevolent supernatural being controlling it, and none of the characters are guided by any positive religious elements (much less God or Jesus Christ), plus girl has strong occult premonitions of Death striking her and her friends and teenager mocks Christian pastor mouthing phony-sounding platitudes at funeral of two teenagers; at least 71 mostly strong obscenities, three strong profanities, 11 light profanities, and several obscene gestures; very strong and often gruesome violence such as runaway roller coaster ride flings people off it and people fall off it, bodies smashed by heavy objects, people burned alive, metal object slices teenager’s head, implied decapitation with blood splattering onlookers, nail gun pierces female teenagers head, etc.; teenager makes lewd observations about girls’ bodies and implies oral sex; many shots of upper female nudity (some gruesome) in tanning salon sequence; alcohol use; smoking; and, teenager dresses in Goth style and teenagers are very rude, obnoxious and disrespectful to people, including their peers, setting a very bad example for teenage viewers who, we hope, don’t see this movie.
More Detail:
FINAL DESTINATION 3 is a pretty lame exercise at modern horror filmmaking that often wallows in gruesome accidental deaths. It is more interested in showing how gruesome it can be rather than developing a real story with meaningful characters. Its worldview is just as abhorrent.
In the story, Wendy and her boyfriend are hanging out with friends at a senior class high school trip to an amusement park. Her friends want to ride the devilish roller coaster, but before the train even leaves the gate, Wendy has a premonition of the coaster breaking apart and everyone dying terrible deaths. She stops the coaster, and several people get off in the ruckus, including her, but not her boyfriend. Of course, her premonition comes true. When three more people die, she realizes that photos she took at the park may provide clues to stop Death from taking the rest of the people who got off the coaster when she stopped it, including herself.
The main concept behind the FINAL DESTINATION movies is that Death cannot be denied once it picks you out. As in the other two movies, Death is an inexorable, even satanic force with no god or divine, benevolent supernatural being controlling it. This pagan worldview is abhorrent, as is the movie’s glorification of gruesome, bloody accidents.
It is also interesting to note that practically all the teenagers in this movie are obnoxious, crude morons who have no belief in God or Jesus Christ. Thus, not only is there almost nobody to root for in this picture, the movie also shows what happens when American teenagers have no moral, godly foundation in their lives. As such, it reveals the kind of abhorrent world that results when the radical, left-wing secularists in the mass media and in the judicial system, who don’t even want to let children have a voluntary prayer time in their schools, get their way. Thus, FINAL DESTINATION 3 provides further evidence of the paganization of American children and the paganization of the entertainment industry.