


What You Need To Know:

HERE COMES THE BOOM is a hilarious tale starring Kevin James. James plays Scott Voss, a public school biology teacher who’s lost his motivation. Scott learns that the wife of his friend, the music teacher is pregnant. However, the school plans on cutting the music program to save money. So, Scott decides to become a Mixed Martial Arts fighter to raise money for the music department. One of the immigrants he teaches in a citizenship class helps him learn how defend himself. Surprisingly, Scott regains his motivation for teaching through the sacrifices he makes.

HERE COMES THE BOOM has a Christian worldview where the characters read scripture, pray and sacrifice themselves for others. Kevin James’ character has a complete transformation once he sacrifices himself to save the music department. HERE COMES THE BOOM is a hilarious movie with a lot of heart and soul. The movie will have audiences rooting, cheering, clapping for victory and at the same time laughing out loud and tearing up at the inspirational moments. It does have fighting due to the story line, so some caution is advised.


(CCC, BBB, PP, L, VV, N, M) Very strong Christian, morally uplifting, inspiring worldview with two scenes of prayer, Bible verses recited, elements of sacrifice, main character comes into the fighting ring with music that has the lyrics “holy, holy, holy” and the characters say sounds like gospel music, plus strong pro American content includes immigrants are very excited to become American citizens and love of classical music inspires teachers to become better teachers; three obscenities, vomiting on someone; violence within fighting ring, including head hitting, man kicking other man in the crotch, hitting in stomach, man dislocates shoulder and women snaps it back in place, women fights man in a playful manner; no sex scenes but some kissing; upper male nudity, man in speedo; no alcohol use; no smoking or drug use; and, some lying and one large family with parents that bicker but in the end movie shows they love each other.

More Detail:

HERE COMES THE BOOM is a highly entertaining movie about a rundown school raising money to save the music department. HERE COMES THE BOOM has a lot of heart and a lot of laughter with a Christian worldview of sacrifice, Scripture and prayer, but it does have some fighting violence.

Kevin James plays Scott Voss, a biology public school teacher, who has tenure and just doesn’t care any more about teaching. Going in to pass off his duties to the music teacher, Marty, Scott finds out Marty’s wife is pregnant. At a staff meeting, the administration announces the music department will be cut because it takes $40,000 from the budget. Distressed, Scott screams out and tells everyone Marty’s wife is pregnant and that Marty needs the job.

In a drastic move, Scott promises to raise the money for Marty’s department. Teaching also how to be an American citizen, Scott meets Niko, who trains Mixed Martial Arts fighters. When Scott goes to Niko’s house to tutor him, Scott gets the brilliant idea to have Niko train him so he can fight and make money for the music department. Scott is completely out of shape and needs a lot of training, but he knows that that even the loser wins money in a fight, so all he has to do is lose.

Starting off with the basics, Scott learns how to defend himself in fights but has to do it in pretty grungy fighting rings. Finally having some motivation, Scott is not only sacrificing himself for the music department, but he’s transforming himself into a better teacher. Each fight Scott loses, he gets hurt and goes to the school nurse, Bella, on whom Scott has always had a crush. When Bella sees the transformation in Scott to become a better teacher and fight for what’s right, she starts to support and encourage him.

HERE COMES THE BOOM has a Christian worldview where the characters read Bible verses, pray and sacrifice themselves for others. Kevin James’ character has a complete transformation once he sacrifices himself to save the music department. Starting out as an apathetic teacher, James becomes a loving, responsible, compassionate teacher. HERE COMES THE BOOM teaches viewers not to give up but to fight their hardest for what’s right. There is a lot of fighting due to James’ character becoming a Mixed Martial Art fighter, but the movie is not as extreme as real UFC fighting.

HERE COMES THE BOOM is a hilarious movie with a lot of heart and soul. The movie will have audiences rooting, cheering, clapping for victory and at the same time laughing out loud and tearing up at the inspirational moments. HERE COMES THE BOOM has wonderful heart to it, great acting, lovable characters, and high production values.

Quality: - Content: -1
Quality: - Content: -1