"Smutty Feminist Propaganda"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
HYSTERIA places its lewd subject matter and feminist politics into the context of a romantic comedy set 130 years ago. In doing that, it has to falsify the biography of the real Dr. Granville, who invented the first hand-held electrical massage machine. In fact, at the time of the story here, Dr. Granville would have been 47-years-old. Thus, HYSTERIA is another smutty leftist movie that tells lies.
(RoRoRo, FeFeFe, PCPCPC, RHRHRH, C, B, FR, LL, V, SS, A, M) Very strong Romantic, feminist, politically correct worldview promoting sexual liberation through very strong revisionist history with some promotion and overt mention of Christian, biblical values in regard to helping the poor and needy but placed in a social gospel context, a false theology; six obscenities and five light profanities, plus hospital doctor’s boss steps in horse manure and doesn’t care that he sees patients with the manure still on his shows; light violence includes woman threatened and woman hits policeman; strong sexual content includes sounds of sexual pleasure, doctors give erotic massages to women’s private parts while women are covered by a gynecologist curtain, former prostitute offers to service a man, and a couple references to woman’s past as a prostitute; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, father is mean to his feminist daughter and tries to have her committed to a mental institution, father goes behind daughter’s back to close down her home for poor women and children, and women seem to fake symptoms to get treated by handsome young doctor.
More Detail:
HYSTERIA is a smutty piece of feminist propaganda about the invention of the world’s first electrical sex device in the 1880s. The movie is structured like a light romantic comedy to take the edge off its adult subject matter and attract more viewers.
The story is a highly fictionalized biography of Dr. Mortimer Granville, the inventor of a hand-held electrical massage machine. Apparently, the machine began to be used to stimulate women’s sexual pleasure, a use that the real Dr. Granville himself opposed.
In the movie, however, the 47-year-old Granville becomes a young doctor concerned about sterilization issues in the medical establishment in London. He keeps losing his job at various hospitals and clinics because the doctors in charge don’t believe sterilizing instruments and keeping their hospitals clean are important.
Granville gets a job with an older widowed doctor named Dalrymple. Dr. Dalrymple treats “hysteria” in women by massaging their private parts to the point of release. The women come to the doctor for treatment of various psychological ills, including anxiety, depression, and just plain boredom. Granville takes over for his boss in giving the massages to the women. Soon, all sorts of “hysterical” women are flocking to their practice to get relief from the handsome Dr. Granville.
The benefits of Granville’s new job include Dr. Dalrymple’s two beautiful daughters, Charlotte and Emily. Granville takes up with Emily, because Charlotte’s a radical troublemaker and feminist. She also runs a home for poor women and children. Granville admires Charlotte’s concern for the poor, but is shocked by her lack of propriety. So, he and Emily get engaged, but problems ensue.
First, Granville gets hand cramps but, with help from his friend, invents the world’s first electrical vibrator. Then, Charlotte’s father secretly buys the note to her home for the poor and gets it shut down. She confronts her father and hits a policeman during a scuffle. So, her father tries to get her committed to an insane asylum for hysteria rather than jail. As an expert in hysteria, Granville is called to testify. Will he go along with his boss, or defend Charlotte?
The sexual nature of Granville’s new job is clear to modern viewers watching HYSTERIA. Though giving women a sexual massage was indeed one of the treatments for hysteria in Victorian England, the doctors at the time apparently considered it a clinical release of the nervous system rather than some kind of lewd practice. The filmmakers try to mine some comedy from the characters’ naïveté regarding this lewd plotline. The movie’s comic tone continues until Charlotte’s father tries to have her committed because he disagrees with her feminist politics.
In the end, the filmmakers side with Charlotte’s feminist activism. [SPOILER] Also, the hero decides he loves Charlotte, not Emily. At her trial, he cites her work with poor women and children, and calls her the most Christian woman he’s ever met. His reference to Christianity, however, is a social gospel of works, not a gospel built on faith in Jesus Christ and His vicarious atonement for our sins.
Overall, HYSTERIA has a very strong Romantic, feminist, politically correct worldview. There’s also strong sexual content and some foul language. Finally, it also distorts history by focusing on the smuttier aspects of the now-discredited theory of hysteria in women. The movie falsifies Dr. Granville’s personal biography to connect the invention of a sex toy with the radical feminist movement of today. Thus, HYSTERIA is another example among many others of the lies that leftists have to tell in order to promote their false, abhorrent ideology.