

What You Need To Know:

JENNIFER’S BODY is the story of two friends, Jennifer the attractive girl in high school and her friend, the nerdy Anita known as “Needy.” Jennifer unwittingly becomes the victim of a ritual murder when a group of musicians intend to sacrifice a virgin and mistakenly identifies Jennifer as being one. Jennifer is possessed by a demon and goes on a killing spree, attacking teenage boys with the promise of sex. Needy tries to keep her boyfriend from attending the prom where she is certain that Jennifer will strike next. The boyfriend is killed, but Needy discovers a way to kill Jennifer and the demon.

JENNIFER’S BODY has all the gore and occult themes as in a typical horror movie. However, it is also sometimes played for laughs. The violence depicts Jennifer biting, killing and eating the internal organs of her victims. The sexual content is extreme. Jennifer and Needy have lesbian longings for one another that are finally culminated in a kiss. Fornication between Needy and her boyfriend for the first time is overtly shown. In short, this movie, though well made, contains an abhorrent occult worldview and extremely offensive content.


(OOO, PaPaPa, ABAB, C, HoHo, B, LLL, VVV, SSS, N, A, MM) Very strong occult, pagan worldview as demons possess characters, occult murder sacrifice ritual shown, anti-Christian comments that she “says the words to accept Jesus but nothing happens” and that “no one gets to get off the cross,” some images of crosses, strong homosexual elements, and though heroine tries to stop and kill a demon possessing another character and slaughtering people, she gets special powers after doing it; 27 obscenities and 10 profanities; very strong, sometimes gory violence includes teenager kicks woman across room with supernatural strength, teenager burns own tongue and then it heals supernaturally, teenage girl ritually stabbed repeatedly, teenage girl eats entrails of human victims a number of times, teenage girl drinks blood, teenage girl stabs other teenage girl, teenage girl is stabbed with large pole, teenage boy is bitten and killed, deer eats entrails of victim, woman repeatedly covered in blood from killing others, still photos of young adults being killed and eaten; intense, graphic depiction of two teenagers engaged in sexual activity and lesbian kiss shown in close up between two teenage girls; upper male nudity, teenage girl shown swimming nude from a very long angle with nothing shown, and teenage girls in underwear; use of alcohol; no smoking; and, vomiting of strange material from being possessed, lying, betrayal, and committing ritual crime for success in music business.

More Detail:

JENNIFER’S BODY is the story of two friends, Jennifer the attractive girl in high school and her friend, the nerdy Anita known as “Needy.” Jennifer unwittingly becomes the victim of a ritual murder when a group of musicians intend to sacrifice a virgin and mistakenly identify Jennifer as being one.

According to the movie’s occult rules, this means that the demon now lives inside the victim, and so she has a craving need to kill and literally eat fellow humans. Jennifer goes on a killing spree in the small town, luring teenage boys into isolated areas with the promise of sex.

In a convenient plot twist, Jennifer tells Needy what has happened and even attempts to kill and eat Needy. Needy tries to keep her boyfriend from attending the prom where she is certain that Jennifer will strike next. The boyfriend is killed, but Needy discovers a little known rule that she can kill the demon inside Jennifer by stabbing her with a steel blade. Needy does so, and the demon (and Jennifer) is killed. But, Needy is arrested and declared insane for her story of what happened. However, by killing the demon, Needy receives some of the demon’s powers, which she uses to get revenge on the musicians who originally committed the ritual sacrifice.

JENNIFER’S BODY is as much comedy as it is horror. It has all the gore, suspense and occult themes as in a typical occult horror movie for today. However, it is also sometimes played for laughs. This is a welcome respite from the scenes of blood and entrails. However, the humor is always directly derived from or occurs during a scene of horrific gore or during a scene of depicted sexual content.

The script is clever at times and is well made with funny dialogue. Amanda Seyfried as Needy delivers an especially good performance.

The content of JENNIFER’S BODY is abysmal. There are strong occult practices shown, demons are the villains but also the “good guys” that empower Needy in the end to get revenge. Jennifer and Needy have lesbian longings for one another that are finally culminated in a kiss show slowly and in close up.

In the opening, Needy narrates that people have told her to accept Jesus in her heart and she says the words but nothing happens. There is another reference to Jesus being nailed to the cross and that “no one gets to get off the cross.”

The violence is extremely graphic with Jennifer biting, killing and eating the internal organs of her victims. Jennifer appears often covered in blood from this and often spews a black vomit.

The sexual content is extreme as well. Needy and her boyfriend have sexual relations for the first time, which is overtly shown but is intercut with Jennifer eating a victim and Needy having visions of that.

In short, this movie, though well made at times, contains abhorrent themes and extremely offensive content.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +4