

What You Need To Know:

KICK A** is the story of teenager Dave who tries to be a superhero named Kick A**, only to get tangled up in a drug lord as well as a real superhero team. Dave becomes an Internet phenomenon and attracts the attention of a drug lord named D’Amico. The drug lord thinks Dave is cutting into his drug sales, but it’s really an actual superhero vigilante duo called Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Big Daddy is a former policeman framed by D’Amico. His wife subsequently died. Now, he raises his 12-year-old daughter to be a vigilante crime fighter helping him take down D’Amico’s gang.

KICK A** is well made and witty. Nicolas Cage as Big Daddy is particularly very funny. The movie’s concept could have been whimsical and charming but somewhere along the line the filmmakers decided that a 12-year-old girl swearing with the “f” word and shooting and stabbing dozens of bad guys would be the main comedy. Besides extreme violence, the movie contains plenty of strong foul language, teenage sex and underage substance abuse. Media-wise viewers and their families will avoid this movie with the slightly obscene name.


(PaPaPa, B, Ho, LLL, VVV, SS, N, DD, MM) Very strong mixed pagan worldview with some moral elements, such as corrupt police and drug dealers are stopped, and a small homosexual story beat, with careless disregard for life and other pagan elements; at least 99 obscenities (not counting all the times the protagonist’s crude superhero name is mentioned), six profanities, and 12 vulgar comments; graphic and realistic violence throughout including mentally troubled man jumps to his death, a mom falls dead at the breakfast table, teenager hit by car, brutal fist fights, martial arts fighting, stabbings, shootings, man explodes in large microwave oven, man’s legs cut off, and man shot with bazooka, with most of the violent acts committed by a 10-year- old girl against bad guys; strong sexual content includes teen boy abusing himself, two depicted sex scenes between teenagers, and a teacher wearing a cross in a fantasy sequence seduces teenage boy; some female cleavage includes partial upper female nudity nearly revealed but not quite; no alcohol use; smoking of marijuana by teen and woman commits suicide by taking pills; and, ineffectual parents and vigilante justice.

More Detail:

KICK A** is the story of teenager Dave who tries to be a superhero named Kick A**, only to get tangled up in a drug lord as well as a real superhero team.

Dave decides to help people, make a name for himself and impress the girls by buying a scuba outfit to be his superhero outfit and trying to fight crime. However, he has no super powers or any fighting ability. By some quirks of fate, he becomes an Internet sensation and attracts the attention of drug dealer D’Amico who thinks that Kick A** must be responsible for his decline in sales.

What Dave/Kick A** doesn’t know is that there is a real superhero vigilante duo, Big Daddy and Hit Girl. Big Daddy is a former policeman who refused to get on D’Amico’s payroll and was framed. His wife subsequently died. Now, he raises his 12-year-old daughter to be a vigilante crime fighter to help him take down the D’Amico mob ring.

D’Amico’s teenage son poses as a rival superhero, Red Mist, in opposition to Kick A**. In the end, Hit Girl has to rescue Kick A** and her father. There’s a happy ending where the bad guys are defeated, but only after much bloodletting.

KICK A** is a well-made movie with a high degree of wit. Based on the comic book of the same name, the story asks the question, “Why aren’t there real superheroes?” The acting is very solid. Nicolas Cage as the batman look-alike is particularly very funny, especially with the staccato delivery of his lines.

The movie’s concept could have been whimsical and charming, but somewhere along the line the filmmakers decided that a 12-year-old girl swearing with the “f” word and shooting and stabbing dozens and dozen of bad guys would be the main comedy. Thus, there is extreme violence, often shown comically in slow motion, of Hit Girl stabbing, slicing and shooting the villains.

Also, Dave gets the attractive girl and there are two scenes of them fornicating, though at first she thought Dave was a homosexual and became friends with him because she always wanted a “gay bff” to share her secrets.

Finally, there are many crude and rude comments by Dave’s friends throughout the movie.

Overall, what could have been a fun, more family-friendly movie becomes an abhorrent experience with excessive negative content, a great deal of which is committed by a 12-year-old girl. Media-wise viewers will avoid KICK-A**.

Quality: - Content: -4
Quality: - Content: -4