

"Cocaine Running Through His Brain"

What You Need To Know:

LONDON is an aimless art-house drama about a cocaine addict who's pining for his beautiful ex-girlfriend. After meeting his new cocaine connection, an investment banker, Syd learns that his ex-girlfriend London is leaving New York for Los Angeles with her new boyfriend without telling Syd. London's girlfriends have arranged a big party in her honor the night before London's plane leaves, also without telling Syd. Syd and Bateman crash the party before the guests arrive. The two men engage in a drug-fueled conversation that runs the gamut from the existence of God to a couple personal secrets they share. Syd struggles to work up the nerve to talk to London before it's too late.

Despite all the cocaine use in this movie, this story might have worked if the conversations about God were more intelligent and if the harsh, gratuitous sexual language and countless obscenities were eliminated. As it is, however, LONDON is an obscene and disgusting fever dream for coke heads. The personal revelations between Syd and Bateman play like something out of a contemporary Tennessee Williams play. One wonders what London saw in Syd in the first place.


(PaPaPa, B, C, FR, H, AB, LLL, VV, SSS, NN, A, DDD, MM) Very strong pagan worldview with some aimless discussion about the existence of God, and God is defined in a general biblical, Christian sense (man asks several people if they believe in God and his ex-girlfriend apparently is a believer though he mocks her belief at one point in a flashback from the past), though Buddha is mentioned at least once, and two humanist men mock the existence of God in a couple scenes but one of the men seems to have eventually become more open to such religious belief, though nothing conclusive happens in that direction; at least 314 mostly strong obscenities, one strong profanity, 11 light profanities, and a couple people shown sitting on toilet; men get into somewhat vicious fistfight, wrestling and kicking; very strong sexual immorality, especially brief discussion of one man's visit to sadomasochistic place involving human excrement and urination at one point, depicted fornication scene, couple lies in bed at various times in flashback, implied sadomasochism, and lightly depicted sadomasochism; rear female nudity in two scenes, women in sadomasochistic outfits, side view of woman's breast in one scene, and upper male nudity in one or more scenes; alcohol use; heavy drug use involving cocaine, and man sells cocaine to another man; and, one twentysomething single man and one fortysomething divorced men have issues with anger and aimless lifestyles involving drugs.

More Detail:

LONDON is an aimless art-house drama about a cocaine addicted young man who’s pining for his beautiful ex-girlfriend.

After meeting his new cocaine connection, an enigmatic investment banker named Bateman, Syd learns that his ex-girlfriend London is leaving New York for Los Angeles with her new boyfriend, without telling Syd. London’s girlfriends have arranged a big party in her honor the night before London’s plane leaves, also without telling Syd.

Syd and Bateman crash the party before all the guests arrive. The two men engage in a drug-fueled conversation upstairs that runs the gamut from the existence of God to a couple personal secrets that both of them share, while viewers get a glimpse of scenes between Syd (complete with a punk haircut and tattoo displays) and London during their troubled relationship and eventually breakup. Syd struggles to work up the nerve to talk to London before it’s too late.

Despite all the cocaine use in this movie, this story might have worked if the conversations about God were more intelligent and if the harsh, gratuitous sexual language and countless obscenities were eliminated or drastically cut. As it is, however, LONDON is an obscene and disgusting fever dream for coke heads. The personal revelations between Syd and Bateman play like something out of a contemporary Tennessee Williams play. Furthermore, although there is romantic chemistry between Syd and London in the movie’s last scene, Syd is such a moronic, clueless neurotic, especially in the flashback scenes, that one wonders what London possibly saw in this guy in the first place. In the flashbacks, Syd has a punk haircut and proudly displays his tattoos, but in the later scenes, he has a nice haircut and nice casual dress. More continuity in his character would help.

The story is pretty aimless throughout most of the movie’s running time, including the discussions about God and faith. The details about the movie’s content soon will be forgotten in the fog of memory, especially since the amount of obscenities, including “f” words, is one of the highest ever recorded by anyone.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1