

What You Need To Know:

MR. AND MRS. SMITH is a spy thriller starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. John and Jane meet in Columbia, fall in love and get married. Five or six years later, their marriage, and their secret life as assassins working for two separate companies, has become somewhat routine. Then, both are given the same assignment of killing a witness for the FBI. Their assignments go awry when they spot one another. Their respective companies order them to kill each other. Of course, this is just what they need to re-invigorate their marriage. They eventually reconcile, but the kill contract remains, and the movie ends in a hail of bullets and explosions as Mr. and Mrs. Smith fight together to save their lives.

MR. AND MRS. SMITH has some clever, funny and exciting moments, but the movie boils down to the simple, disturbing premise that the couple that slays together, stays together. Needless to say, this is not a wholesome recipe for true marital bliss. Like the famous good looks of its two attractive stars, MR. AND MRS. SMITH looks great, but it’s less filling. Another minus is that there is really no identifiable villain.


(PaPa, ACap, Fe, LLL, VVV, SS, N, A, D, M) Strong pagan worldview with an implied anti-capitalist, feminist attack on middle-class married life that’s also visualized symbolically by massive destruction of two home shopping stores, not to mention the married protagonists’ own home; 17 obscenities, seven strong profanities and four light profanities; lots of action violence and some over-the-top violence (but not gory or bloody) such as assassinations, attempted assassinations, woman snaps man’s neck, many gunfights with many people shown hit by gunfire, explosions, car chase, cars flip and crash, brutal hand-to-hand combat between married couple includes smashing the other person into walls and mirrors, and high body count in the grand finale; implied fornication, passionate kissing, married woman on an assignment dresses up in sado-masochist outfit and sounds of her whipping man’s behind before she kills him, and married woman confesses to husband that she’s had several hundred sexual trysts; female cleavage, woman in lingerie and upper male nudity; alcohol use; smoking; and, lying and betrayal.

More Detail:

MR. AND MRS. SMITH stars Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a married couple that suddenly realizes they work for two rival assassination firms.

The movie opens with John and Jane meeting in Columbia, falling in love and getting married. Five or six years later, their marriage, and their secret life as assassins working for two separate companies, has become somewhat routine.

Then, both are given the same assignment of killing a witness for the FBI. Their assignments go awry when they spot one another. Their respective companies order them to kill each other.

Of course, this is just what they need to re-invigorate their marriage. They eventually reconcile, but the kill contract remains, and the movie ends in a hail of bullets and explosions as Mr. and Mrs. Smith fight together to save their lives.

MR. AND MRS. SMITH has some clever, funny and exciting moments, but the movie boils down to the simple, disturbing premise that the couple that slays together, stays together. Needless to say, this is not a wholesome recipe for the continuation of true marital bliss. Like the famous good looks of its two attractive stars, MR. AND MRS. SMITH looks great, but it’s less filling. The fact that there is really no identifiable villain is another minus.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +1