"Could Be Better"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
MOVIEGUIDE® believes PRINCESS CUT could make a great movie if the story were chiseled down to its core by cutting out all the movie’s nonessential scenes (and there are a lot). Also, the dialogue often sounds rather unnatural and unrealistic. PRINCESS CUT gets the highest MOVIEGUIDE® rating for Acceptability for its wholesomeness. Although the movie is family friendly, its story appeals more to teenagers and adults. However, MOVIEGUIDE® gives PRINCESS CUT only two stars for its poor storyline, acting, technical flaws, and unrealistic behavior.
(BBB, CCC, V) Very strong Christian, biblical worldview, prayers are said around dinner table, characters refer to God in a positive light, character wants to honor God and trust Him with her life, Bible verses are recited; no foul language; very light action violence where two men fight, with no bloodshed; no sexual content; no nudity; no alcohol use; no smoking or drug use; and, nothing else objectionable.
More Detail:
Taking place in scenic North Carolina, PRINCESS CUT follows Grace who dreams of the perfect man who will one day propose and place a gorgeous princess cut diamond ring on her finger.
Grace is in a long-term relationship with her dream guy. On the night of their anniversary, she believes he’s finally going to propose. However, those plans go awry when he announces he’s engaged to another woman. Distraught, Grace questions her life and worries that she will never find “the one.”
Not long after, Grace meets Jared, a local Starbucks employee who believes people can fall in love over a simple cup of coffee. He interests Grace and the two hit it off. As time goes by however, Grace dislikes how intimate Jared wants to be with her. She breaks it off with him and vows to wait for God to place the right man in her life.
Perhaps, God is faster than Grace had expected. A close friend of the family, Clint Masters, expresses an interest in Grace and asks her parents for permission to date her. Grace approves, and the two take their relationship slowly. Just as they become close, unexpected complications arise when an old flame of Clint’s shows up and teams up with Jared to break the two apart.
PRINCESS CUT could have had tons of potential, but the movie is flawed by unnatural writing, inconsistent acting and a lack of continuity. ALL of the characters in the movie are phony and completely unrealistic. Jared is a good guy in the story. Coming from a Christian perspective, there is nothing wrong with wanting to kiss your girlfriend, and that is the only “crime” this man has committed. Even so, the creators of PRINCESS CUT take it so far as to make it seem like Jared is evil because he wants to kiss his girlfriend. Why? Even worse, the movie makes Jared the bad guy by bringing him back later in the story when he tries to ruin Grace’s new relationship with Clint. This is completely diabolical!
Grace has some good moments in the movie, but then her character is ruined by extreme stupidity. It would be okay, in fact admirable, for Grace to believe sex should only be practiced within the confines of marriage, but she takes it to a whole new level. When Jared kisses her, she becomes an emotional wreck and needs therapy in order to cope. All because of a kiss!
PRINCESS CUT is inconsistent with its acting. Some moments are great and really grasp the viewer. Other moments are horrid, and the viewer is left watching actors reading lines instead of characters in their natural environment. Of course, the actors probably did their best with the mediocre, unnatural dialogue they were given. Why must the dialogue sound fake and phony? The screenwriters need to go out into the world and observe the way people talk. Normal dialogue is natural and flows easily.
There is also too much going on in the movie. More attention should have been given in order to whittle the story down to its most key factor: Grace’s search for her dream guy. Sadly, this doesn’t happen and the story goes all over the place, confusing the viewers. In reality, PRINCESS CUT would do much better as a short film ending near a forty-minute mark, but it drags on after an extremely slow start. The most attention grabbing moments were near the end when Brooke’s character comes into play.
Some moments of intensity are thrown in which the viewer hopes will amp up the story, making it more interesting. Viewers will be left disappointed. All of the high intensity moments (fight scenes or near death experiences) are poorly executed and boring.
MOVIEGUIDE® believes PRINCESS CUT could make a great movie if it was chiseled down to its core by cutting out all of the nonessential scenes (and there are a lot), making the dialogue more natural and less strict, and adding more realistic drama. PRINCESS CUT gets our highest rating for Acceptability for its wholesomeness, and although the movie is family-friendly, its story appeals more to teenagers and adults. Because of a very poor storyline, poor acting, technical flaws (film equipment was seen briefly in a few scenes), and total unrealism, MOVIEGUIDE® gives PRINCESS CUT a generous two stars for quality.