"Faithful, Compelling Re-Telling of the Historical Bible Story"

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What You Need To Know:
ROAD TO EMMAUS is well made, acted, and shot. There are very nice production values as the disciples walk through first century villages. It is, however, a half hour of characters simply talking to one another, without much conflict or action. The movie stars Bruce Marchiano as Jesus, an actor who has brilliantly portrayed Jesus in previous movies. ROAD TO EMMAUS is a wonderful short to watch with the whole family. Best of all, it is filled with the Gospel and clearly explains how the Old and New Testaments are united in Jesus.
(CCC, BBB, V, N, M) Very strong Christian, biblical worldview re-telling the incident of the two disciples who met Jesus on the Road to Emmaus in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24, with references to Jesus, Adam, Noah, Moses, and Abraham connecting the Old Testament to the New Testament; no obscenities and profanities; brief shot of crucifixion in flashback; no sexual content; brief upper male nudity; no alcohol; no smoking; and, nothing else objectionable.
More Detail:
ROAD TO EMMAUS is a short DVD movie about the story of the two disciples of Jesus who, on the road to Emmaus, learn from a stranger how Jesus Christ’s death was the fulfillment of many prophecies.
Taken from Luke 24 in the Bible, the movie shows two confused disciples traveling to the town of Emmaus. They talk about the death of Jesus and how his death was not what they expected from someone they thought to be the Messiah. A stranger walks with them and begins to explain to them the salvation plan of God from Adam through Noah, Moses, and Abraham. As they get to Emmaus, the two disciples suddenly realize they have been walking with none other than Jesus himself.
ROAD TO EMMAUS is well made, acted, and shot. There are nice production values as the disciples walk through first century villages. It is, however, a half hour of characters simply talking to one another, without much conflict or action. The movie stars Bruce Marchiano as Jesus, an actor who has brilliantly portrayed Jesus in previous movies.
Because the Bible narrative does not record exactly what was said on this road, where the disciples got a “multi-mile Bible study,” the filmmakers have had to take liberties as to what Jesus may have said on the road and how he connected the Hebrew (Old Testament) prophecies to their fulfillment in Jesus.
As a believer, this is a wonderful survey of how God has so wonderfully worked out salvation. Unbelievers with just a little bit of Bible background also will be able to understand how they are separated by God because of their sins and how Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection is the only way to bring them to God, forgiving their sins and creating in them new life.
ROAD TO EMMAUS is a good, wholesome short movie to watch with the whole family and with unbelievers. Best of all, it is filled with the Gospel and clearly explains how the Old and New Testaments are united in Jesus.