

"The Hero Faces a Government Inquisition"


What You Need To Know:

SULLY is a very powerful, miraculous, heroic story about the airline pilot who safely landed 175 people in the Hudson River in January 2009. Afterwards, however, government bureaucrats start to accuse Capt. Sully so they can have a scapegoat to blame for the crash. The movie, which stars Tom Hanks, chronicles the inquisition and persecution of Sully and Sully’s considered, truthful, responsible response. He never shirks his responsibility. Capt. Sully was the right pilot in the right place at the right time.

The movie SULLY takes this event and turns it into a tremendous insight into today’s politically correct battles. There are many references to miracles and some references to faith and prayer, but these aren’t the movie’s focus. SULLY stresses that the government can be wrong, the computers can be wrong, the engineers can be wrong, and that, ultimately, the man on the front lines has to determine the action. The acting in SULLY is terrific, and the music is wonderful, under Clint Eastwood’s super-professional directing. Caution is advised for older children because of some foul language and brief air-crash violence.


(C, BBB, ACACAC, LL, V, N, A, M) Light Christian, miraculous story of the airline pilot who landed safely in the Hudson River in New York, with a lot of moral content, including standing for the truth, accepting responsibility, giving credit to your team, loving your family, and doing the right thing, plus a very strong message against big government bureaucracy attacking the individual; 20 obscenities and 4 mostly very light profanities (one is strong); scary landing of a plane with some people suffering minor injuries and nightmares of plane crashes; no sex, a couple women hug the captain, and he appears confused and says, I have a girl at home,” but the women are merely thanking the captain; upper male nudity; drinking but not to excess; no smoking or drugs; and, government is portrayed as mean spirited, anti-individual, anti-hero, mechanistic, insensitive, and lacking compassion.

More Detail:

SULLY is a very powerful, miraculous, heroic story about the airline pilot who safely landed 175 people in the Hudson River on Jan. 15, 2009. The movie makes clear that this miracle was a miracle and that the pilot, Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, was the right pilot in the right place at the right time. He had been flying for more than 40 years. He also had been a fighter pilot. All that experience was dedicated to the airline and his passengers.

Once Sully and his co-pilot save the passengers, however, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) starts to blame Sully so they can have a scapegoat for the crash. The movie chronicles the inquisition and persecution of Sully, and Sully’s considered, truthful, responsible response to the government bureaucrats. He never shirks from his responsibility.

The movie SULLY takes this event and turns it into a tremendous insight into the political, politically correct battles of our day. It is a current version of MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON or MEET JOHN DOE. The movie has many references to miracles. Some scenes look like Sully is praying by his bed, and some passengers hold crosses and pray, but this is not the emphasis of the movie. The movie stresses that the government can be wrong, the computers can be wrong, the engineers can be wrong, and that, ultimately, the man on the front lines, the pilot, has to determine the action. There’s brief upper male nudity, there’s brief air crash violence, there are several obscenities, but very few profanities. The acting is terrific, and the music is wonderful.

Clint Eastwood does a marvelous job conceptualizing and directing the movie. Tom Hanks was Sully Sullenberger. This is a movie well worth watching. Caution is advised for older children because of the movie’s light foul language and intense air crash moments.

Quality: - Content: -1
Quality: - Content: -1