"A Powerful, Emotional Experience"
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What You Need To Know:
THE CROSS this is an incredibly inspiring movie. Viewers will laugh and weep with Arthur. The movie reveals every aspect of his character, his body, mind and spirit, and in the process reveals the character of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are moments so emotional that it is impossible to keep from weeping. For a Christian, this is one of the most powerful movie experiences. By the time you leave the theater, you want to take up your cross and follow Jesus.
(CCC, BBB, V, S, N, D, M) Very strong Christian worldview about a man carrying a Cross around the world; no foul language; documentary violence of police beating Christians, warfare in Lebanon, man tends the bodies of war victims, description of violent situations, but nothing excessive; no sexual activity but shots of sex joints near where person is carrying the cross and preaching; upper female nudity among Native South American Indians in very obscure documentary footage; some documentary footage of people smoking in the background; and, man describes disgusting foods such as soup made from the spittle of the women who cook it and monkey arm complete with hand, and man describes horrible toilet conditions and bodily worms.
More Detail:
THE CROSS is a surprisingly powerful, emotionally captivating, spiritually uplifting documentary about Arthur Blessitt, who carried a cross through every country around the world for 40-years.
Arthur Blessitt had a 1960s Jesus Movement café church on Sunset Blvd. He never wore a cross, never thought much of the cross, but, one day he was called by God to make a full size cross that he then would carry all around the world, to every single continent and every single country for the next 40 years.
At first, people thought Arthur was loony, but watching his story reveals his dedication to the Gospel that touched the lives of thousands of people. The story is not so much about Arthur carrying the cross as what the cross did for Arthur.
Arthur Blessitt carried the cross into the midst of war zones. He carried it through Beirut in the 1980s while the shelling was blanketing the west side of the city so he could pray with Palestinian terrorist Yassir Arafat.
Arthur took the cross to the main square in Madrid when it was under fascist dictator Franco and was beaten by the police as the crowd kept raising the cross up until the police finally relented. That event became a turning point in the history of Spain.
He also took the cross through impenetrable jungles where all his companions turned back so he could reach natives who had never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Sadly, as he walked across Africa, he was turned away from lodging by Christian hostels supposedly dedicated to missions, but was sheltered by atheists who were captivated by his story.
As he says, everywhere he went, people asked him, “What do you know about God?” He was able to tell them about the Good news of Jesus Christ. Countless numbers of people prayed with him to accept Christ.
Put into extreme circumstances day after day, Arthur experienced the presence of God and learned to humbly submit to the will of God. His humility and grace and love were forged in the refining fire of God’s grace under extreme duress.
For a documentary, this is an incredibly inspiring story. Viewers will laugh and weep with Arthur. The movie reveals every aspect of his character, his body, mind and spirit, and, in the process, reveals the character of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There are moments so emotional that it is impossible to keep from weeping. For a Christian, this is one of the most powerful movie experiences ever. It would be interesting to see how Non-Christians receive it.
THE CROSS breaks many of the rules of filmmaking. For instance, it has some repetitious moments and multiple endings, but the whole is much greater than the parts. In fact, by the time you walk out of the theater, you want to take up your cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads you.
This is an incredible filmmaking achievement. Everyone involved should be commended for the passion they poured into this magnificent project.