"Chick Flick Romance Sci-fi"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
THE HOST is an entertaining science fiction, but women will like it more than males. The twist on romance is that two guys the heroine meets fall in love with the two different beings in her body. There’s also a brief, but gratuitous, unmarried sex scene in a dream sequence in THE HOST that warrants strong caution.
(B, C, PP, Ro, Pa, L, VV, SS, N, M) A light moral, redemptive worldview portraying freedom-loving humans fighting alien creatures taking over human brains and minds, with overt stress on the importance of love in various forms, but no mention of reliance on God for help and no biblical foundation, with some Romantic and pagan elements; five obscenities (mostly “h” words with a “d” word and an a** word) and four light OG profanities; brief strong violence such as people make small cuts in necks of other people to let small alien light creature to go in and out of someone’s head, boy accidentally cuts his leg and it gets infected, man tries to strangle woman but she fights backs, woman deliberately jumps out window to kill herself so aliens won’t find her little brother, woman shoots man in head, man drives directly into wall to avoid capture by aliens, car flips over, another man has been killed and his body is shown on a road; one dream sequence sex scene with implied fornication but showing apparently naked under covers passionately kissing woman in bra, other passionate kissing scenes, and two men fall for two different beings occupying same body; no alcohol; no smoking or drugs; and, the main idea of the story is alien creatures are taking control of human bodies, and these beings are referred to as “souls” who live in different bodies on different planets in the course of a very long lifetime.
More Detail:
THE HOST is a chick-flick science fiction movie based on a novel by Stephenie Meyer, the author of the TWILIGHT series about vampires and werewolves. The bizarre romance, featuring two guys in love with the two “girls” living in one body, is marred by a gratuitous dream sequence sex scene.
The movie opens with a seemingly perfect society where everyone is honest, kind, and generous: they’re just not human. What the movie refers to as “souls” (alien beings) are placed in human bodies. There are very few humans left on the planet, and they must hide from the “seekers” responsible for hunting down the remaining humans.
A human named Melanie is trying to lead some seekers away from her brother when she’s surrounded. She jumps through a window and falls several floors, hoping her death will keep the seekers from finding her brother. She does not die, however. The aliens use their technology to heal her wounds, and a “soul” named Wanderer is placed in her.
Melanie’s body becomes home to both Wanderer and Melanie. Throughout the movie, a voiceover gives a running mental conversation between Melanie and Wanderer. At first, Wanderer works with the seekers to track down other humans by seeing Melanie’s memories. With Melanie’s encouragement, Wanderer softens, stops helping the seekers, and begins to help Melanie get to her brother.
They wind up near death in a desert and are found by the people with whom her brother lives. Conflict arises about whether this mixed being should be killed. Wanderer winds up earning the trust of the group’s leader and winning over several other humans in the hiding place.
THE HOST is very entertaining science fiction, but female viewers probably will like it more than males. The movie’s bizarre twist on romance is that it winds up with two guys in love with the two different beings in Melanie’s body. There’s some humor in the verbal battle between Melanie and Wanderer as the same body winds up kissing the two guys.
Despite some positive moral, redemptive elements, the movie’s idea that humans can be taken over by aliens is grounds for a good family discernment discussion. Humans have souls. Jesus told Nicodemus that people must be born again. The concept is that you choose to die to the selfish human nature and live life guided by the Holy Spirit. Unlike Stephanie Meyer’s science fiction mind takeover, you don’t lose control of your life. You must choose to obey God on a moment-by-moment basis. You only lose control when possessed by demonic spirits, but you have to invite the demonic power(s) into your soul. Also, lust, greed, envy, and assorted addictions can become like slave masters. The Good News is that Jesus can set you free, but freedom requires repentance, faith, trust, and obedience.