"Confusing Sci-Fi"
None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
This confusing low budget Spanish movie has some surprises. Ultimately, however, the characters are neither compelling nor engaging and so the movie falls flat. There is foul language and a graphic portrayal of upper female nudity. With caution and discernment, the movie could be enjoyed perhaps by hardcore science fiction fans but most mainstream audiences will be confused instead of entertained.
(HH, LL, VV, S, NN, MM) Strong nihilistic, humanist worldview as characters struggle with time travel and a killer in the woods who apparently covers his tracks; 12 obscenities and four profanities; man stabs another man with scissors, woman falls to death, man falls to death, man falls down stairs, man in car accident with bloody head injury; no sex but an implied adulterous affair; prominent upper female nudity with woman fully nude though only upper body is shown; no alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, terror, stalking, attempted murder, lying, and time traveling villain gets away with crimes.
More Detail:
TIMECRIMES is the story of Hector who, through binoculars, sees a woman take off her clothes. He goes into the woods and finds her dead. A man with a bandage around his face stabs Hector with a pair of scissors. Hector takes refuge in an unusual laboratory that is in the middle of the woods. He hides in a machine at the pleading of the lab worker. However, what Hector didn’t know is that the machine is a time travel device, and he goes one hour back in time.
Hector realizes that “Hector 2” is back at his house watching the woman in the woods through binoculars. Hector 1 tries to get Hector 2 to come into the woods and he himself (Hector 1) becomes the man with the bandage. Along the way, Hector discovers that actually there’s also a Hector 3 who set the whole time travel into motion and is now trying to cover his tracks by creating and then destroying the other Hectors. It is suggested that perhaps he was having an affair with the woman in the woods and/or killed her.
In the end, Hector 3 is able to get rid of the other Hectors so he and his wife are back alone at their house, though the girl from the woods is still dead.
This confusing low budget movie is intended to make you think, and there are some surprises as the viewer realizes that the first Hector they saw was actually Hector 2, trying to cover something up. The filmmakers could have erred on the side of revealing just a little bit more so the “Hectors” would not be so confusing.
As a plot exercise, the movie has some fun of trying to follow the plot. However, ultimately the characters are neither compelling nor engaging, and so the movie falls flat.
There is talk of an American remake of this Spanish movie and perhaps the next time around the filmmakers will help the audience follow what could be a compelling and surprising story.
As for the thriller aspect, it never really works since a man with a pink bandage running in the woods with scissors is more of a comical sight than a terrifying one. There is foul language and an explicit portrayal of upper female nudity. With caution and discernment, the movie could be enjoyed perhaps by hardcore science fiction fans, but most mainstream audiences will be confused instead of entertained.