

What You Need To Know:

Set in the future, ULTRAVIOLET focuses on a woman named Violet, who has a blood disease that turns people into some kind of vampire. The movie is unclear whether these vampires crave blood or not, though they seem to have superhuman strength and quickness. The humans are waging war on the vampires. Their society has turned into a tyranny led by Vice Cardinal Daxus. Violet wades through hundreds of the Vice Cardinal’s men to retrieve a white case that supposedly contains a pathogen to wipe out all vampires for good. She discovers the case contains a small boy. Violet endangers her own life by protecting the boy from her own kind and the Vice Cardinal and his men.

ULTRAVIOLET is a cartoonish, unconvincing and confusing science fiction thriller. It also contains an excessive amount of killing and some foul language. The heroine’s concern for the child in the movie is very admirable, but the villains are associated with images of a cross and the head villain’s title is Vice Cardinal. The movie contains no other implied or explicit negative references to Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church, despite this implied anti-Christian allegory


(HH, ABAB, O, FR, B, LL, VVV, M) Strong humanist, science-oriented worldview with an implied anti-Christian allegory, plus occult references to a blood disease turning people into some kind of vampire, though what kind of vampire is unclear, and a comment is made implying a works righteousness and false idea about God, mitigated by some positive concern for the life of a victimized child in danger, which plays a major role in the plot; 14 obscenities and four light profanities and character vomits; excessive violence, with a little blood, includes many killings, point blank shootings, gunfights, swordfights, chases, motorcycle crashes through wall, and man burns to death but you only see the fire; no sex; rear female nudity during X-ray machine scene; no alcohol; no smoking; and, villain makes a clone to study diseases, pathogens and cures, and, when asked whether she believes God exists, heroine says God will welcome her for killing the evil villain.

More Detail:

ULTRAVIOLET is a cartoonish science fiction movie with lots of unconvincing CGI graphics and sets. Its story, dialogue and visuals are also extremely confusing much of the time.

ULTRAVIOLET focuses on a woman named Violet, who has come down with a blood disease that turns people into some kind of vampire. The movie is unclear whether these vampires crave blood or not, though they seem to have superhuman strength and quickness. The humans still left are waging war on the vampires. Their society has turned into a tyranny led by Vice Cardinal Daxus, a well-dressed man whose regime is symbolized by images of crosses.

Violet wades through hundreds of the Vice Cardinal’s men to retrieve a white case that supposedly contains a pathogen that will wipe out all vampires for good. She discovers the case contains a small boy, who is the Vice Cardinal’s clone. Despite the risk, Violet endangers her own life by protecting the boy from her own kind and the Vice Cardinal’s men. More killing and angst ensues.

In addition to being unconvincing and confusing, ULTRAVIOLET contains an excessive amount of killing, though there is a little blood. The heroine’s concern for the child in the movie is very admirable, but the villains are associated with images of a cross and the head villain’s title is Vice Cardinal. The movie contains no other implied or explicit negative references to Jesus Christ or the Catholic Church, but it still appears to be an allegory attacking the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual behavior, a perverted lifestyle that itself has led to a deadly blood disease called AIDS.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4