"Occult Themes Plus Formulaic Sequel Equal Waste of Time"

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What You Need To Know:
With most sequels, the formula is always “more.” Most of the time these days, “more” actually means “less” when it comes to story. This sequel to the first UNDERWORLD actually has a thicker storyline than its predecessor, but EVOLUTION “more” includes more blood, more violence, more gore, and more sexuality and nudity. Add to that the strong occult and anti-biblical themes dealing with vampires and werewolves, this is not a movie for children, teenagers, or even discerning adults, or Christians. The occult theme obviously is that vampires and werewolves crave blood and immortality as well as being shape-shifters who turn into other animals. It is difficult to cheer and root for the heroine when the heroine is an occult affront to God and nature.
(OOO, Ev, PaPa, ABAB, FRFR, LL, VVV, SS, NN, M) Very strong occult worldview that deals with Vampires and Werewolves battling each other and drinking blood in order to gain life-power, plus a few references to evolution of the species, strong pagan elements and strong anti-Christian elements where one Vampire exalts himself and states that he will be the vampires’ new god, which is a direct violation of the one true God’s commandment of having no other god but the Lord; seven obscenities (four of which are "f" words) and three profanities; very strong violence and gore includes dead bodies being burned before the transform into werewolves, a lot of beheadings, quite a few shots of impaling, werewolves’ throats are ripped out, a lot of gunfire, a helicopter crash, and a lot of vampire neck-biting as well as plenty – PLENTY – of blood; two scenes of depicted fornication (one scene has nude body parts strategically covered but the other scene is the start of a scene between one male and two female vampires that includes upper female nudity and rear female nudity); upper and rear female nudity; no alcohol use, but characters drink blood out of wine goblets; no smoking or drug use; and, confusion of good and evil.
More Detail:
UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION, a sequel which follows the continuing war between vampires and werewolves, stars Kate Beckinsale as the death-dealing vampire Selene who must thwart the destructive plans of the world’s oldest vampire.
The story is simple. Centuries ago, two brothers were transformed. One brother, Marcus, was bitten by a bat and transformed into the world’s first vampire; the other, William, was bitten by a wolf and transformed into the world’s first werewolf. Since the werewolves were unruly and untamed, the vampires hunted down William and put him in an eternal incarceration.
Flash forward to present day: Marcus has returned to find his brother and unleash him from the prison. He will do whatever it takes and kill whoever he must to find the location of his brother’s cell. Only one person knows where William is: Selene. The hunt is on for Selene and her blood which hides the secrets of her soul. Can Selene stop Marcus from releasing William and unleashing a terror on mankind?
As with all sequels, the formula is always more. Now, most of the time, “more” can actually mean “less” when it comes to story. UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION actually has a thicker storyline than its predecessor. However, this movie’s “more” includes more blood, more violence, more gore and more sexuality.
The nudity was gratuitous, and the depicted fornication was unnecessary. The violence and gore was graphic and bloody. The movie also contained sometimes terrifying imagery of mortal characters transforming into their immortal counterparts.
The movie contained a lot of occult, anti-biblical, anti-Christian themes. The occult theme obviously is that vampires and werewolves crave blood and immortality as well as being shape-shifters who turn into other animals unnaturally. It is difficult to cheer and root for the heroine when the heroine is an occult affront to God and nature.
Vampirism has always been an intriguing theme in contemporary culture. Perhaps it is the idea that a blood covenant can cause immortality. It is, however, an illegitimate source of life: a counterfeit salvation. Discerning Christians should keep in mind that it is not the sucking of blood that is the source of immortality; it is instead the shed blood of Jesus Christ that grants access to eternity.
With the excessive violence, gore, sexuality and some language as well as the occult themes, UNDERWORLD: EVOLUTION is not a movie for anyone who is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.