

"Six Horrible Days"

What You Need To Know:

WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED: ON THE 7TH DAY opens with David, a distinguished college professor, and his attractive wife Kari, enjoying the good life with their daughter, Zoe. When Zoe is kidnapped from their mansion, their lives are revealed to be far less than idyllic. The police question Kari about her past as a prostitute (which David didn’t know). Meanwhile, David is exposed as someone with his own dark secrets. The hunt for their daughter takes David and Kari into the world of pedophile predators.

ON THE 7TH DAY contains heavy drinking with obvious intoxication. It also contains foul language and police misbehavior. In the beginning, Pastor T.D. Jakes is shown giving a sermon about getting to the root of one’s bitterness and dealing with it. However, the path to loosing Kari from her root of bitterness is very unpleasant to watch. Also, she’s left with a marriage and family situation still in need of much help. Rather than leaving audiences inspired by the Grace of God, ON THE 7TH DAY will leave viewers depressed about the vile world around them.


(C, B, PaPa, FR, LL, V, SS, N, AA, D, MM) Light Christian, moral worldview but contains considerable vile pagan behavior for the protagonists to repent from and even more for the villains, plus villain has a false, distorted view of God; 17 of obscenities and a “for Christ’s sake”; police physically threaten potential informers, a mother and child threatened with beating, a shooting, children are kidnapped and mistreated and having their mouths taped, and one pedophile kills children (not on screen) as a perverted “sacrifice” to his concept of god because of the world’s “wickedness”; husband and wife begin a passionate encounter, pedophiles hunt for victims on the Internet and on playgrounds, key plot references to a protagonist committing adultery, and a father raping his daughter; some heavy drinking with intoxication; smoking; and, police misconduct, kidnapping, dishonesty.

More Detail:

T. D. Jakes is a popular preacher, but his movie WOMAN THOU ART LOOSED: ON THE 7TH DAY is virtually a domestic horror show featuring a seemingly happy couple’s lives coming apart over a six-day period. It includes kidnapping, prostitution, adultery, pedophilia, a religious nut child killer, alcohol, and plenty of foul language.

The movie opens with David, a distinguished college professor, and his attractive wife Kari, enjoying the good life with their daughter Zoe. When Zoe is kidnapped from their mansion, their lives are revealed to be far less than idyllic. The police question Kari about her past as a prostitute, which David didn’t know. Meanwhile, David is exposed as someone with his own dark secrets.

The hunt for Zoe takes trails through the world of pedophilia, including the capture of a serial child killer who considered killing children a sacrifice to a god angered by the wickedness in today’s world. The movie contains heavy drinking with obvious intoxication. It also contains foul language and police misbehavior.

Early in the movie, Pastor T.D. Jakes is shown giving a sermon about getting to the root of one’s bitterness and dealing with it. Kari suffers from having been raped by her father. The movie’s path to loosing Kari from that root of bitterness is very unpleasant to watch. Also, she’s left with a marriage and family situation still in need of much help. Rather than leaving audiences inspired by the grace of God, ON THE 7TH DAY will leave viewers depressed about the vile world around them, including the sordid behavior of some people who claim to be Christian.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +3