

"Lively Lessons on Courage, Family and Friendship"


What You Need To Know:

THE ICE AGE ADVENTURES OF BUCK WILD is an animated fantasy streaming on Disney Plus. The two possum brothers from the ICE AGE movies, Crash and Eddie, set out to find a place of their own, against their sister, Ellie’s, advice. They decide to join Buck Wild in the Lost World, the wacky one-eyed weasel. Buck has established peace and harmony among the mammals and dinosaurs at the waterhole. Eventually, the brothers join Buck to help him stop a power-mad dinosaur and his velociraptor army from destroying the harmony and taking over the Lost World.

THE ICE AGE ADVENTURES OF BUCK WILD is a funny, lively animated fantasy adventure. It has lots of action and comedy, and sometimes an absurd sense of humor that adds a whimsical tone. The movie has a strong moral viewpoint that encourages viewers to stick by friends and family. It also stresses courage and has a conservative message about standing up to bullies seeking power and control. However, the bad raptor dinosaurs are scary, and there’s plenty of jeopardy in BUCK WILD. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children.


(BBB, ACAC, V, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong moral worldview with a strong conservative, anti-totalitarian viewpoint encourages viewers to stick by friends and family, stresses courage, peace and harmony, and supports standing up to egotistical bullies seeking absolute power and control and trying to take away the liberty of other creatures

Foul Language:
No foul language, a mention of “butt”

Lots of light cartoon violence and jeopardy includes heroes eventually have to fight and sometimes knock out scary menacing velociraptors, characters fall down, two characters accidentally cause a massive avalanche that destroys a camp they and their friends and sister have built, and sister tells story how she was saved by a family of possums and taken in by the mother of two young possums, but the mother eventually died, and she had to take care of her brothers

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Egotistical bully, but he’s rebuked and overcome, and two younger mammals ignore the advice of their older, wiser adopted sister.

More Detail:

THE ICE AGE ADVENTURES OF BUCK WILD is an animated fantasy movie streaming on Disney+. The story is about the two possum brothers from the ICE AGE movies who set out to find a place of their own. They decide to join Buck Wild in the Lost World, the wacky one-eyed weasel who’s established peace and harmony among the mammals and dinosaurs at the waterhole. Eventually, the brothers join Buck to help him and his friend stop a power-mad dinosaur and his velociraptor army from destroying the harmony and taking over the Lost World.

The movie opens with Ellie the Mammoth’s two brothers from another mother, Crash and Eddie, complaining about all the rules Ellie has established to protect them. They want to have a place of their own, but Ellie and her husband, Manny, think Crash and Eddie are too reckless and wild to take care of themselves. There’s lots of truth in what Ellie and Manny think, because right away, the two possum brothers accidentally cause a big avalanche that destroys the camp that Manny and Ellie had set up for them, including Manny’s old friends, Sid the sloth and Diego the saber-toothed tiger.

Crash and Eddie, however, are unfazed by Ellie and Manny’s criticisms. So, one night, they leave their extended family to look for a place of their own. The next morning, when Ellie wakes up, she realizes her brothers are gone. She convinces Manny, Sid and Diego to go looking for them. Diego takes the lead in tracking where they went.

Meanwhile, Crash and Eddie’s search for a home leads them to the Lost World where their friend, Buck Wild, the wacky weasel with only one eye, lives. They discover that Buck has established peace and harmony among the mammals and dinosaurs living in the Lost World. However, they also find out that a big-brained triceratops named Orson has returned to the Lost World seeking revenge against Buck, who had banished Orson to an isolated island. Orson has hypnotized two velociraptors to help him.

Eventually, the power-mad Orson assembles an army of velociraptors to take over the Lost World. Crash and Eddie join Buck, and Buck’s friend, Zee, a fox-looking mammal with skunk-like powers, to stop Orson and his minions.

THE ICE AGE ADVENTURES OF BUCK WILD is a funny, lively animated fantasy adventure. It has lots of action and comedy, and sometimes an absurd sense of humor that adds a whimsical tone. For example, the heroes must fight the bad dinosaurs in the end. Also, the title character, Buck Wild, is rather delusional and flaky, but in an absurd, comical, whimsical, lovable way.

BUCK WILD has a strong moral viewpoint. It encourages viewers to stick by friends and family. It also stresses courage, peace and harmony, and has a conservative, anti-totalitarian message about standing up to egotistical bullies seeking power and control and trying to take away liberty. However, the bad raptor dinosaurs are scary, and there’s plenty of jeopardy in THE ICE AGE ADVENTURES OF BUCK WILD. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1