

What You Need To Know:

THELMA THE UNICORN is an animated comedy on Netflix. Thelma is a farm pony who sings with her two best friends in a band called The Rusty Buckets. However, the judges at a music festival called SparklePalooza reject Thelma and the band because Thelma looks like a “forgettable farm pony.” The next day at the farm, Thelma pretends to be a unicorn by sticking a carrot on her forehead with some mud. She accidentally gets splashed with pink paint and glitter. Thinking she’s a real unicorn, a crowd gathers, and Thelma performs a song for them. Thelma’s song becomes an international viral sensation, but Thelma succumbs to the lies and flattery of an unscrupulous music producer.

THELMA THE UNICORN has some funny moments and nice music. It also has a good message promoting honesty, remaining loyal to your friends and letting people see your inner light. However, there are some quirky characters and references to manure and a horse chewing cud. Also, Thelma forgets her friends and lies to pursue fame and fortune until she sees the error of her ways.


(BB, C, V, N, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview promoting honesty, remaining loyal to your friends and letting people see your inner light, plus the title character eventually repents after she forgets her friends and lies to pursue fame and fortune;

Foul Language:
No obscenities or profanities, dang is repeated a few times, title character has to haul manure behind her in a cart but she stumbles on a string and manure falls on top of her and into a horse’s eye, resulting in pink eye;

Some cartoon violence such as title character trips, and the cart of manure she’s hauling flips over on top of her, villain fires a small missile into a limo carrying the title character’s best friends to separate them for a while (the car is damaged, but nobody’s hurt), title character pretends to body surf at a concert but lands on a bale of hay instead, large narwhal repeatedly sprays water on other characters;

No sex;

Upper male nudity of several human characters;

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Title character lies and abandons her friends, but she repents, and bad guys are selfish, lie, deceive, and trick other characters, but they are punished.

More Detail:

THELMA THE UNICORN is an animated comedy on Netflix about a singing pony who abandons her two best friends in her band when she accidentally gets splashed with pink paint and glitter and succumbs to the lies of an unscrupulous music producer. THELMA THE UNICORN has some funny moments and nice music, with a good message promoting honesty, being loyal to your friends and letting people see your inner light, but there are some quirky characters and references to manure.

The movie opens with Thelma, a small white and brown pony, and her two bandmates and best friends, Otis and Reggie, a donkey and a llama, practicing a song. They’re going to audition for a spot at SparklePalooza.

Thelma and her friends work on a farm where Thelma pulls a cart full of manure. The day after their rehearsal, Thelma accidentally stumbles over a stone and manure the cart flips over and spills all its contents onto Thelma. Three fancy horses on the farm laugh at her predicament. One of the horses, Zirconia, taunts Thelma, confidently telling her that they’re going to do well at the SpraklePalooza auditions because they’ve got the looks and the talent.

That night at the auditions, Zirconia and the Rhinestone make it to the music festival, but

the judges automatically rule out Thelma and her band, the Rusty Buckets, because she looks like a “forgettable farm pony.” Later, Otis tries to cheer Thelma up by getting her to play in his new role-playing game “Dungeons and Wagons” about magic, goblins and pioneers on the Oregon Trail. It doesn’t work, however.

The next morning, Thelma sadly goes to work. She finds a crooked carrot on the ground, sticks it on her forehead with some mud and pretends to be a unicorn in the game. A passing truck carrying pink paint accidentally swerves and dumps paint and sparkles all over Thelma. Thelma’s new look attracts a crowd of strangers, who think Thelma’s a real unicorn. Thelma lies to them and says she’s a real unicorn. She also sings for the crowd. They take videos of her singing, and Thelma’s song becomes a worldwide viral sensation.

Thelma’s song also attracts the attention of a legendary performer and record producer, Peggy Purvis. However, it also attracts the attention of an unscrupulous record producer named Vic Diamond. Vic manages the career of the top pop singer, Nikki Narwhal, and her backup singers, The Pool Boys. He entices Thelma away from Peggy and then surreptitiously gets rid of Thelma’s bandmates, Otis and Reggie.

Thelma does so well at her first stage appearance that Vic dumps Nikki and the Pool Boys. Meanwhile, Thelma’s friends think she doesn’t need them anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.

THELMA THE UNICORN has some funny moments and nice music. It also has a good message promoting honesty, remaining loyal to your friends and letting people see your inner light. However, there are some quirky characters and references to manure. Also, the title character lies pursue fame and fortune until she sees the error of her ways.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1