
Actress Laura Prepon Leaves Scientology for Her Children

Actress Laura Prepon Leaves Scientology for Her Children

By Movieguide® Staff

Actress Laura Prepon revealed that she left Scientology for the sake of her children.

“I’m no longer practicing Scientology,” Prepon said. “I’ve always been very open-minded, even since I was a child. I was raised Catholic and Jewish. I’ve prayed in churches, meditated in temples. I’ve studied Chinese meridian theory. I haven’t practiced Scientology in close to five years and it’s no longer part of my life.”

Prepon revealed that becoming a mother really forced her to evaluate her own upbringing.

“Even if we have great relationships with our mothers, it’s complicated,” she said. “I’m still learning from it. My mother has Alzheimer’s and I have to come to terms with the fact that this woman who was an incredible force in my life — is fading. It’s very hard to watch. I just try to be there and stay present for the good moments we have.”

The Church of Scientology has been hemorrhaging members for the last several years, with former prominent members like Leah Remini publicly rebuking the church.

The Hollywood Reporter even published a shocking expose, revealing the truth about the unbiblical, anti-Christian cult.

Remini told Entertainment Weekly that she also left Scientology for her daughter.

“I decided I didn’t want to raise my daughter in the [Church of Scientology] because, from what I’ve experienced and what I saw, the church becomes your everything. It becomes your mother, your father, your everything. You are dependent on the church,” Remini said. “I just didn’t want her to be raised that way, because let’s say in 10 years if I don’t want to be connected to the church anymore, my own daughter would be taught to disconnect from me.”


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