
Hollywood Needs Christian Dollars

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Hollywood Needs Christian Dollars

By Aaron Brawley

SOUND OF HOPE: THE STORY OF POSSUM TROT is one of the best movies of the year, and hardly anyone has seen it.

The movie has an amazing cast, is well-written and portrays a realistic look at both adoption and the difficulties of following the will of God. It is the kind of movie we need more of in this day and age. Yet, when you look at box office receipts, the film has only managed to gross $11 million as of the writing of this article. Worse still, after only two weeks in theaters, it’s already been pulled from many screens, only making sparse appearances here and there.

How did this happen? There are many contributing factors to the movie’s poor performance: an opaque title that didn’t attract audiences and poor promotion are just a couple of possible reasons the movie hasn’t done well. But, SOUND OF HOPE: THE STORY OF POSSUM TROT is only the latest in a string of box office failures for Christian or wholesome media. CABRINI finished its theatrical run with a little over $20 million despite receiving a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes. And these current lackluster box office showings are far from the only examples.

Meanwhile, explicit programming such as HOUSE OF THE DRAGON, THE WITCHER and THE BOYS and movies like EVIL DEAD RISE and SAW X continue to garner more and more audiences. As Christians, it is important that we understand the power that our dollars hold in the economy. With over 2/3 of Americans identifying as Christians, we have the collective power to influence the media landscape in a significant way.

Instead of focusing solely on boycotting and criticizing content we find objectionable, let’s put our money behind the kind of movies and shows we want to see more of. The simple act of purchasing a ticket can make a huge difference. We often let subscription services hook us, allowing them to brainlessly run and take our money month after month. It’s time to be more intentional about where our money goes. By supporting movies that reflect our values and beliefs, we send a clear message to Hollywood about the kind of content we want to see. 

I’d like to propose a challenge: what if we as Christians committed to watching one movie per month in theaters for the rest of the year? Can you imagine the difference it would make? Make it a family event, a church outing, or a date night. Show the industry your voice matters and that there is a demand for wholesome, well-written, moral or faith-based content. They WILL listen.

Here is a short list of upcoming movies you might want to support in the next six months:

THE FORGE (08/23): Isaiah Wright, with the help of his mother’s prayers and a mentor’s guidance, discovers God’s greater purpose for his life beyond high school.

REAGAN (08/30): Dennis Quaid stars in this compelling biopic that explores Ronald Reagan’s journey from Hollywood to the presidency through the eyes of a former KGB agent.

YOU GOTTA BELIEVE (08/30): An underdog youth baseball team dedicates their season to a teammate’s father and battles their way to the 2002 Little League World Series.

FAITH OF ANGELS (09/12): A mysterious stranger feels compelled to find a lost boy in an abandoned mine, leading to a journey filled with faith and courage.

GRACE BY NIGHT (10/2024): A man takes a job as a crisis hotline responder as a means of coping with a family tragedy. Based on MOVIEGUIDE®’S 2019 Kairos Award-winning script for Most Inspirational Screenplay.

BONHOEFFER: PASTOR. SPY. ASSASIN (11/22): This true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer explores his internal conflict as he plots to assassinate Hitler while remaining a man of faith.

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