New Study Links Increased Screen Time To Risk Of Heart Disease
By Movieguide® Contributor
A new report is linking excessive screen time to increased risk of heart disease in young people.
The study, led by Andrew Agbaje at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio and presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2023, linked children’s increasingly sedentary lifestyles with risk of heart disease.
It “tracked the health and lifestyles of 14,500 babies born in 1990 and 1991 into their adult lives,” finding that “sedentary time increased by an average of 2.8 hours per day over the 13 years of the study,” per the Hindustan Times.
The study found that “even for those at a normal weight and blood pressure, hours of inactivity from childhood to young adulthood was associated with heart damage.”
“All those hours of screen time in young people add up to a heavier heart, which we know from studies in adults raises the likelihood of heart attack and stroke,” Dr. Agbaje said. “Children and teenagers need to move more to protect their long-term health.”
The American Heart Association also reported on the link between sedentary lifestyles and health issues.
“Our habits in adulthood begin in childhood, and we know that a sedentary lifestyle that’s spent in front of screens and not being outside, having fun with friends and being physically active puts children at a variety of health risks,” said Federico Asch, M.D., a cardiologist, professor of medicine, and member of the AHA’s Science Advisory and Coordinating Committee.
Asch continued, “Once the school year starts, kids tend to have less free time and may navigate toward less active habits such as watching TV and playing video games. This is especially true as kids get older and no longer have scheduled gym classes or recess and don’t take part in organized or school sports.”
The AHA shared a few simple tips for combating these habits, including scheduling family time for physical activity, planning healthy meals and setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time.
Movieguide® previously reported on some of the health issues that can be caused by excessive screen time:
A new study from Canadian researchers found that extended screen time among school-aged children places them at a higher risk for developing anxiety and depression.
The study was conducted over 2021 and 2020 as screen times jumped drastically across the world. In Canada, the average screen usage among children rose from 2.6 hours pre-COVID to 5.9 hours during the initial weeks of the lockdown. The United States saw a similar trend. By the time the study was conducted, the average screen time of children hovered around 4 hours across the year-long research period; roughly double the 2-hour max recommended by most healthcare professionals.
This study highlights the importance of limiting technology access to children. Given that many schools use screens in the classroom, parents should be cautious with the amount of screen time they allow at home. The current screen time habits are unacceptable as the 4-hour average is having tremendous negative effects on our children.