Pornography Damages Marriages, Ex-Porn Star Warns
By Movieguide® Contributor
Brittni De La Mora, a former porn star, now spreads the name of Jesus and explains the damaging effects of pornography on marriage.
She recently answered the question, “Is it OK to watch porn when you’re married?”
On the “Let’s Talk Purity” podcast, hosted by De La Mora and husband Richard, she said, “No, it’s not OK to watch porn. Just because something’s available to you doesn’t mean you should utilize it.”
“Porn is…a gateway,” she added. “It triggers in your brain…the same dopamine receptors as cocaine. So, it’s been proven to be addictive.”
“She said porn can become a fixation and a drug of sorts, drawing people deeper and deeper into the abyss and harming them along the way. Brittni said a realization this content is deeply damaging to souls, families, and marriages can open people’s eyes enough to empower them to ‘stop watching it,’” CBN’s Faithwire reported.
Richard added that people who watch porn are degrading God’s beloved creation.
“When you watch porn…you’re objectifying a woman, or you’re objectifying a man,” he said. “Now, you’re in taking these images, and these images now are creating false fantasies, especially in your marriage, false fantasies just in general.”
“It not only affects your soul, but it also affects your body,” Richard added.
While viewing porn is always wrong, Brittni explained specifically how it can damage a marriage.
“Jesus says that, if you look at another woman lustfully, you’ve already committed adultery,” she explained. “God’s looking first at your heart, and so if you are willing to go and look at another person in the most intimate act…you’re already committing adultery because you’re doing it in your heart.”
Movieguide® previously reported on the damage caused by porn use in marriage:
Married men who are involved in pornography feel less satisfied with their conjugal relations and less emotionally attached to their wives. Wives notice and are upset by the difference…Pornography use is a pathway to infidelity and divorce, and is frequently a major factor in these family disasters.
There is never a time when watching porn is okay, and couples should communicate when one isn’t feeling the intimacy from the other, De La Mora emphasized.
“We need strong friendships within our marriage,” Brittni expressed. “You both feel heard, you feel validated, you feel loved, you feel accepted—and that overflows.”
Richard added, “Don’t let the enemy punk you. ‘Oh, but this is going to spice up my marriage,’ or, ‘Oh, it’s better.’ No, that’s the lies of the enemy. Everything that the enemy sends you is a lie.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Joshua Broome, another former porn star who found Christ:
Pastor Joshua Broome is opening up about how he escaped the pornography industry and found God…
One day, he asked a woman on a date. While hanging out, Broome shared that he had worked in the porn industry.
“She looked at me and said, ‘You know, a person’s not defined by the worst thing they’ve ever done, and a person’s not defined by the greatest thing they’ll ever accomplish,’” Broome said. “She said to me, ‘I believe God defines who you are. Do you know who God is?’”
The two talked about her faith, and the woman invited Broome to attend church with her the following Sunday. That day’s sermon was about how we all sin and fall short of God’s glory, yet Jesus sacrificed Himself for us anyway.
“It met me where I was in that moment,” Broome explained. “That day, the Holy Spirit just softened my heart and I gave my life to Jesus.”