THE BEATLES: GET BACK Shows the Band Never Could Find the Fulfillment They Desired
By Movieguide® Contributor
THE BEATLES: GET BACK is a miniseries streaming on Disney+. It is directed and produced by Peter Jackson and stars the Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harris, and Ringo Starr. The series covers the making of the Beatles’ 1970 album Let It Be. It draws largely from unused footage and audio material captured for the identically titled 1970 documentary by Michael Lindsay-Hogg.
The Beatles rose to fame in the early 1960s and quickly became the most internationally recognized and influential band of all time. Led by Lennon and McCarthy, the Beatles evolved from Lennon’s previous group the Quarrymen. They built their reputation playing at clubs in Liverpool, England, before their manager Brain Epstein molded them into a professional act. The band was known for their innovative combination of skiffle, beat, 1950’s rock’n’ roll, classical music, and traditional pop. Their later releases also incorporated additional music styles including ballads, Indian music, psychedelia, and hard rock. Their innovative music style became the basis for the 1960’s counterculture movement and the beginnings of pop music’s recognition as an art form.
From 1963-1966, the Beatles toured internationally, increasing in fame and world-wide popularity. Because of their personalities, music style and the openness, vulnerability and heart behind their songs, teens and young adults felt that they could relate to their music more so than that of other genres. However, while many people loved the Beatles, the band also stirred much controversy amongst conservative groups. Due to a statement Lennon made about “being more popular than Jesus” and the band’s stance for civil rights, many Christians and American conservative groups protested against the Beatles.
At the end of their 1966 world tour after the loss of their manager Epstein, the Beatles decided to stop touring due to poor sound quality and concert organization, exhaustion and increased security concerns from those who opposed their music. For the next four years the Beatles stopped playing live and only recorded music in the studio. They continued to change the music industry by being the first artists to use four-track recording technology, the primary means of recording today. In 1970, the band realized how much they missed recording live and decided to write, rehearse, and film a live album.
THE BEATLES: GET BACK is an accumulation of the footage recorded over the 21 days of studio time leading up to the 42-minute rooftop concert that served as the live recording of Let it Be. Viewers see raw footage of the Beatles writing songs, playing music, planning the show, arguing, and having fun. Except for a few clips, the entirety of THE BEATLES: GET BACK is composed of alternative footage that was not used in Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s original 1970 documentary. As a result, the new miniseries includes never-before-seen footage such as Harrison’s brief resignation from the band.
THE BEATLES: GET BACK has a mild romantic worldview. The series focuses on the self-fulfillment and self-expression the Beatles experienced through their artistry and fame. Both the portrayal of the Beatles and their music focuses on one’s emotions being the most important element of life and reflects the search for happiness and fulfillment. This is reflected in their discussions about alcohol consumption and recreational drug use.
There are some crude comments made throughout THE BEATLES: GET BACK as well as some sexual references embedded in a few songs. The series has a large amount of profanity including over 25 uses of the f-word. The Lord’s name is also taken in vain. Many members of the crew and band smoke cigarettes. There are several discussions on the consumption of alcohol and the use of drugs for recreational purposes.
Individuals who enjoy documentaries, music, or simply want to learn more about the Beatles will enjoy THE BEATLES: GET BACK. While the series can at times be a little slow, the overall content is engaging for those interested in learning what went on behind the scenes. As the film uses alternative footage, THE BEATLES: GET BACK falls short of average camera and audio standards. It is rather raw and unpolished both visually and vocally. The best camera angles are not always used, and the studio is not acoustically sound, meaning that sometimes things are drowned out or hard to hear. Regardless, for any Beatles fan or lover of music, this film is interesting, engaging, and educational.
THE BEATLES: GET BACK is a quality miniseries with a several questionable elements. For these reasons, Movieguide® finds the series to be excessive.