Want to Live Counterculturally? Nick Vujicic Says Be a Light
By Movieguide® Contributor
Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. But that never stops him from sharing the gospel and addressing important issues around the world.
“We shouldn’t be surprised that as we live in the dominion of the devil, as he goes around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour, kill and destroy and steal, we understand that evil people will do evil things,” Vujicic told Kirk Cameron on TAKEAWAYS. “We know that at the same time, as bad as it’s getting, Kirk, I’m getting more excited for heaven coming around the corner. Maybe closer than we ever imagined.”
“But put that aside,” Vujicic continued. “What we do know is the Bible says very clearly to be in the world but not of the world and to shine brightly the righteousness of God. His love, his mercy to others. Forgiveness. And people see that us who have found forgiveness in our Savior Jesus Christ, when we forgive, when we say sorry, when we are humbled to know that we are nothing but servants of the most high God…we’re not more important than anybody else. No one else is more important no less important than anybody else.”
As Vujicic travels all over the world and preaches, he sees a “darkening” that he believes has never before happened in history.
“It is global, and we’re all feeling this oppression, this darkness, this bullying of you need to act a certain way, do a certain thing,” he explained. “I mean, an [ideology] just like China that’s been implemented there for many many years is now coming under umbrellas of loving everyone and supporting anyone and everything whether that’s counter to your belief system. So talk about counter-culture, it’s living in a world that says something is right when you know the Bible says it’s wrong.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Vujicic’s thoughts on counterculture:
Vujicic said, “I actually heard recently that Gen Z [is]…arguably the most biblically illiterate generation. This is a really interesting spot where we need to choose: are we going to dig our heels in, be in the world, but not of the world, and do we play the victim card?”
Vujicic went on to say that he and others would “occupy here until Jesus comes back in the financial industry, in the digital, the school system.”
God’s light beams through those who love and follow him. Vujcic says it’s important that Christians recognize what needs to be done in the world around them and listen to the Holy Spirit.
“I know having no arms or legs. I had the choice to play the victim card,” Vujic told Cameron. “We all could just report and rehearse, nurse and curse the past, but then there are some of us, Kirk, that have been convicted and called by the Holy Spirit to stand their ground and be that beacon of light.”
His Life Without Limbs ministry shared that it’s easy to step into the shadow and let others shine the light for you. But it’s better to act for yourself, as God desires than to let others act for you.
“It’s easy to assume that someone else will be the light, the hands, the voice, the help. But it’s action that leads to change, not assumption. Help someone today so that their tomorrow will be better than their yesterday,” the ministry said.
As someone who has faced great physical challenges and severe depression, Vujicic knows that when God calls someone, that means they are capable of doing what he asks.
“If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!” Vujic says.