

"Touching True Story of Restoration"


What You Need To Know:

BRAVE THE DARK is a drama based on a true story. Nate Williams is a high school student whose childhood trauma is overwhelming. Amidst his darkness, Nate turns to crime, alcohol and other vices. Nate’s teacher, Stan Deen, bails him out of jail and houses him, but Nate continues to be haunted by his mother and father’s death. Unaccustomed to being shown kindness, Nate continues to turn towards his vices to forget his past. However, Mr. Deen is persistent, showing him genuine kindness. Will Nate accept Mr. Deen’s help and honestly try to overcome the darkness and trauma of his past?

BRAVE THE DARK is a heart wrenching movie to watch that doesn’t shy away from the brutality of Nate’s childhood experiences. The movie addresses suicide, abuse and trauma in a very real way. That said, it has tremendous moral themes of restoration, bravery and an especially powerful scene of prayer. Ultimately, BRAVE THE DARK is an incredible true story about how kindness and truth lead to genuine restoration. However, MOVIEGUIDE® advises strong caution for teenagers and sensitive adult viewers.


(BB, C, L, VV, S, N, AA, DD, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with some Christian redemptive elements in a story about a troubled teenager with overwhelming childhood trauma, who pursues alcohol, drugs and crime, but there are tremendous moral, redemptive themes of restoration, bravery, kindness, and truth, plus an especially powerful scene of prayer;

Foul Language:
Five “s” obscenities, some vulgar name calling such as jerk-off and douche, and “fricking” is used in place of the “f” word several times;

Some heavy and intense scenes involve death and murder and suicide, a woman is shot in the neck, blood pools can be seen on the floor and on her clothes, a man commits suicide with a rifle (no blood is shown during the suicide, but he does it in front of a small child, several scenes show a woman washing off the man’s blood from the child’s face in flashbacks, attempted suicide, several fights break out at the high school, Nate jumps from a bridge into a river to commit suicide, it is shown later in the hospital that his heart stops, and domestic abuse is implied;

No sex scenes, but it’s implied that a woman is cheating on her husband;

Several scenes show male teenagers taking off his shirt or strips down to his underwear;

Alcohol Use:
In several scenes, high schoolers drink alcohol and get drunk at parties;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
Teenagers smoke cigarettes throughout the movie, and it’s implied that there is drug abuse; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Teenager and his friends break into an electronics shop and steal several stereos.

More Detail:

BRAVE THE DARK is a new movie from Angel Studios following the heartbreaking true story of Nate Williams, who eventually changes his name to Nate Deen.

As a high schooler in 1986, Nate Williams lives out of his car. He has a girlfriend and friends, but no family. Flashbacks early in the movie reveal that Nate had some traumatic experiences as a child, but he avoids thinking about them by drinking alcohol with his friends.

One day after school, Nate and his friends break into an electronics shop and steal several stereos. Nate is thrown in prison but is bailed out by his high school teacher Mr. Deen. The school threatens to kick Nate out of school, several times, but Mr. Deen defends him and offers him a place to stay at his house.

More flashbacks reveal why Nate, even with the kindness shown to him by Mr. Deen refuses to believe anyone would care for him and not ask for something in return. Mr. Deen continues to show Nate grace, however, but his tendency towards getting in trouble only grows.

At his breaking point, Nate loses hope that anyone will listen to him or see the truth of his past. However, Mr. Deen will not give up so easily.

BRAVE THE DARK is a heart wrenching and touching movie based on a real life story. As we see Nate’s story unfold, it becomes clear that he experienced things that no one should have to, especially a child. Through the kindness of Mr. Deen, Nate is able to face his past and reveal the truth to others.

The movie addresses several heavy subjects such as childhood trauma, murder, suicide, and how those things can affect a person. The movie addresses those realities in a real but not over the top way. However, some scenes may be too intense and violent for younger teenagers. The emotion of Nate’s story is portrayed in a fantastic way by Jared Harris (Mr. Stan Deen) and Nicholas Hamilton (Nate Williams). Their engaging performances are one of the many bright spots of the movie.

The story moves slowly at first and the script seems unpolished in places, but BRAVE THE DARK is an incredible story about restoration, found family and hope in the darkness. The movie also extols kindness and truth and has a powerful scene of prayer. However, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for teenagers and sensitive adults due to heavy themes and violence.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +3