

What You Need To Know:

CRAFTOPIA is a children’s crafting competition series on HBO Max. The program in-cludes eight episodes that each run about 25 minutes long. During the short segments, young contestants display their crafting abilities while competing to win prizes. During the first round, three contestants compete in a one hour “quick craft.” During the second round, crafters complete a more challenging two-hour project. CRAFTOPIA is hosted by popular YouTube craft blogger, Lauren Riihimaki, with two regular judges and some guest judges.

CRAFTOPIA has many positive elements. The young contestants cheer, encourage and help one another. They also celebrate each other’s wins and congratulate each another. Good sportsmanship is promoted. CRAFTOPIA encourages everyone to be creative by celebrating the diverse talents of boys and girls of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. CRAFTOPIA is a family-friendly show, but some parents may be concerned about a cou-ple joking references to meditation and sexual ambiguity. Also, some episodes have a few exclamatory profanities. Christian parents should view a CRAFTOPIA episode first and decide if it’s appropriate for their children. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for all chil-dren.


(BB, Pa, Ho, LL): Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Con-tent/Elements: Strong moral worldview overall where contestants encourage, support and celebrate one another and sportsmanship is encouraged, with some mild pagan references meant to be seen as jokes about references to meditation and one reference to a crafting “god,” plus a couple guests are known to be LGBT but it’s not openly discussed

Foul Language:
10 exclamatory “OMG” profanities overall in first eight episodes, less than two per episode

No violence

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Nothing else objectionable.

More Detail:

OVERVIEW REVIEW: CRAFTOPIA is a children’s crafting competition series on HBO Max. The program includes eight episodes that each run about 25 minutes long. During the short segments, young contestants display their crafting abilities while competing to win prizes. CRAFTOPIA has not yet been renewed for a second season.

CRAFTOPIA is hosted by popular YouTube craft blogger, Lauren Riihimaki, also known as LaurDIY. Toya Moore-Broyles and James Worsham appear as judges. The show also features a variety of special guest judges, including artistic designers JP Connelly and Anthony Elle.

In CRAFTOPIA, children between the ages of 9 to 15 exhibit their crafting skills and com-pete to win $5,000 and a craft themed trophy, known as the “craftrophia.” During the first round, three contestants compete in a one hour “quick craft.” For the quick craft, children are assigned specific projects and may choose from a variety of materials in the enormous, Craftopia store. The Craftopia store also contains a hidden, prized panda. The contestant who finds the panda receives an additional prize.

Some of the quick crafts include decorating sneakers, creating fun party invitations, and dressing up a locker. Only two contestants are allowed to move to the next round, but the participant who doesn’t move up still receives a $500 Craftopia gift card. Young crafters are always encouraged to “keep crafting.”

During the second round, crafters complete a more challenging two-hour project. Some of these larger crafts include crafting a lemonade stand, creating a three foot plush toy, and designing a life-sized doll box. The runner up receives a $1,000 Craftopia gift card.

CRAFTOPIA is rated TV-G. Contestants and judges often get excited and OMG is said about 10 times in the first season. No other foul language is heard on the program. There’s also no violence, nudity, or sexual content. One of the male guest judges does wear a feather boa and is very flamboyant. The sexuality of the regular and guest judges isn’t dis-cussed, but some of them are known homosexuals.

CRAFTOPIA has a strong moral worldview where young contestants cheer, encourage and help one another. They also celebrate each other’s wins and congratulate one another. Good sportsmanship is promoted. CRAFTOPIA also encourages everyone to be creative by celebrating the diverse talents of boys and girls of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, There are some mild pagan elements presented in a way that is meant to be silly and goofy. Stressed and excited participants sometimes pretend to meditate by closing their eyes and chanting, “Ohm.” A guest judge also makes a joke about the “creating, crafting god.”

CRAFTOPIA is a bright and fun program that creative people of all ages will enjoy. The projects are interesting and will definitely inspire anyone who loves crafting.

CRAFTOPIA is a family-friendly show, but parents will be concerned about the joking references to pagan meditation and sexual ambiguity. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for children.

Quality: - Content: +4
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Quality: - Content: +1