

"Heartwarming Program with Family Values"


What You Need To Know:

THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO is an HBO Max original series that’s a spinoff from SESAME STREET. It features the Muppet character, Elmo, as a late-night talk show host. During 15-minute segments, original SESAME STREET characters and celebrity guests participate in games, activities and musical performances. The series has many heartwarming, redemptive elements. The love between family and friends is celebrat-ed. In one episode, Cookie Monster’s mother visits her son on set and receives a warm welcome from everyone. Leading by example, Elmo also teaches children about respecting your elders and obeying your parents.

THE NOT-TOO-LATE-SHOW WITH ELMO is an endearing, playful children’s show that’s interesting and educational. Though it’s not faith-based, the program often promotes good family values for young children. A few of the celebrity guests are well-known Christians, including The Jonas Brothers and Jordin Sparks, who performs a charming rendition of “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” It should be noted that some of the guests participate in personal lifestyles that aren’t complimentary to Christian living. Families are encouraged to be mindful of this factor while enjoying THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO.


(BB, O, L, M) Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Con-tent/Elements: Strong moral worldview with biblical values honors parents and family, respects elders, encourages manners, and demonstrates kindness to everyone, plus some light “magical elements” from a Muppet fairy, but they are very minor and meant for hu-mor

Foul Language:
One character says “omg” in one episode, but no other foul lan-guage

No violence

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alco-hol

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Some of the guests live lifestyles that are contrary to Christianity, but the program doesn’t discuss these lifestyles.

More Detail:

OVERVIEW REVIEW: THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO is an HBO Max original series that debuted with the streaming service in May, 2020. New episodes are re-leased weekly. The show is a spin-off from SESAME STREET and features the Muppet character, Elmo, as a late-night talk show host and the Cookie Monster as Elmo’s co-host.

During 15-minute segments, original SESAME STREET characters and celebrity guests participate in fun games, activities and musical performances. Besides Elmo and Cookie Monster, some of the popular SESAME STREET Muppet characters seen on the show include Oscar the Grouch, Bert, Ernie. Jimmy Fallon, Jonas Brothers, Lil Nas X, Pentato-nix, Dan & Shay, Batman, and Nature Nick are just a few of the celebrity guests who have made appearances.

THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO focuses on teaching children about nighttime routines, getting ready for bed, and going to sleep at night. At the start of each segment, 3-year-old Elmo asks his parents for permission to be excused and host his show. His parents agree but remind him not to be late for his “bedtime routine.” Elmo begins his show with a few silly jokes and routines. He participates in discussions and activities with celebrity guests. These happenings are often centered on evening activities. Elmo and his friends talk about bedtime stories, weird dreams and enjoy learning about nocturnal ani-mals. The show concludes with famous musical guests who perform lullabies or songs from SESAME STREET.

Elmo always treats the guests to gifts, which have ranged from toothbrushes to homemade clay horses. Once Elmo has brushed his teeth and snuggled into his pajamas, he winds down with a final musical number that recalls all the fun he’s had that evening. He signs off, reminding young viewers, “Elmo loves you. You are special. Good night.”

THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO is rated TV-Y. There is no foul language, violence, nudity, or sexual content. One brief “OMG” profanity is spoken by one of the guests during the first episode.

The series has many heartwarming, redemptive elements. The love between family and friends is celebrated. In one episode, Cookie Monster’s mother visits her son on set and receives a warm welcome from everyone. Leading by example, Elmo also teaches children about respecting your elders and obeying your parents. This can be seen when he asks his parents for permission to host his show and then gets ready for bed when his parents acks him to do so. Elmo has good manners and displays a generous and grateful attitude.

THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO has a strong moral worldview that edifies honoring family, respecting parents and treating everyone with kindness. One of the Mup-pet characters is a fairy. Her fairy dust and magic occasionally cause some amusing, light-hearted mayhem.

THE NOT-TOO-LATE-SHOW WITH ELMO is an endearing children’s program that’s interesting and educational. So far, the program has also promoted good family values. A few of the celebrity guests have been well-known Christians, including Jordin Sparks, who performs a charming rendition of “The Itsy-Bitsy Spider.” It should be noted, however, that some of the guests have otherwise been known to not produce family-friendly content and may participate in personal lifestyles that are not complimentary to Christian living. Fami-lies are encouraged to be mindful of this factor while enjoying THE NOT-TOO-LATE SHOW WITH ELMO.

Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +2