"Presenting the Gospel in Music and Dance"

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What You Need To Know:
“Tiny Dancer” is one of the most entertaining, uplifting episodes of this variety show, LITTLE BIG SHOTS. Steve Harvey is a funny, compassionate host who shows real enthusiasm when it comes to interviewing these “little big shots” and watching them perform. Best of all, this LITTLE BIG SHOTS episode offers viewers a little pep talk about hard work and success and presents some of the most spiritually uplifting, redemptive television moments of the year so far.
(CCC, BBB, CapCapCap, PPP, V, M) Very strong Christian, moral, capitalist, Pro-American worldview with strong, overt references to God, Scripture (specifically Matthew 8:26), the benefits of God’s grace, the help and protection of angels, salvation, Christ’s death and resurrection, hard work’s relationship to success, and the appearance of several talented and polite children living in the United States and being free to show their God-given talents; no foul language; some light boxing violence; no sex; no nudity; No alcohol; no smoking; and, 7-year-old girl says she went on a “date” with a young boy to see FINDING DORY, but she fell asleep during the movie.
More Detail:
LITTLE BIG SHOTS is one of the best, most family-friendly shows on television these days. It features comedian Steve Harvey interviewing children with amazing or weird talents while showcasing what these amazing youngsters can do. The episode titled “Tiny Dancer” is one of the most entertaining and uplifting of all the LITTLE BIG SHOTS episodes so far, with two very strong segments featuring overt, heartfelt Christian content.
The first of these segments is one featuring Paige, a precocious 7-year-old girl who dances. During the funny interview with Mr. Harvey, Paige firmly tells the show’s charismatic host that hard work is the key to any kind of success in the world. “You just have to work for what you want,” Paige says. “And, if you work, things can happen.” Paige’s comments are incredibly mature, refreshing and accurate coming from such a young person. During Paige’s dance, the song playing in the background talks about calling on angels and quotes Jesus in Matthew 8:26, “Why are ye fearful, o ye of little faith?” The song also contains a reference to Christ’s crucifixion and His resurrection, and talks about overcoming doubt, concluding, “I will still rise.”
The second of these segments features Skylynn, a 9-year-old gospel singer who delivers a rousing rendition of “Amazing Grace.” Skylynn sings the lyrics to this great Gospel song with extreme clarity and passion, delivering a very strong, inspiring evangelistic message.
Other segments on the episode include a knife-throwing act, two 7-year-old twin brothers who box, an all-male bluegrass band, and a girl who jumps equestrian fences while prancing the stage like a horse.
As noted above, “Tiny Dancer” is one of the most entertaining, best and most uplifting episodes of this variety show, which is already set to go into a third year. Steve Harvey is a funny, compassionate host who shows real enthusiasm when it comes to interviewing these “little big shots” and watching them perform. Best of all, the “Tiny Dancer” episode of LITTLE BIG SHOTS not only offers viewers a little pep talk about hard work and success. It also gives them some of the most spiritually uplifting moments of the year so far.