


Several profanities and obscenities; graphic murders and violence; fornication, prostitution, sexual innuendo and harassment; and, drug use

More Detail:

Lottie Mason is a L.A. undercover policewoman on the vice squad masquerading as a prostitute. Scarred by a bad marriage and wanting to break out of her rut because her life is going nowhere, Lottie fantasizes about becoming one of the prostitute personas she routinely adopts in her work. She is further drawn to the dark side of her job because it keeps things from getting predictable, her least favorite state.

Lottie is assigned, along with her sexist boss Joe Morgan, to find Tony Peron, a high-stakes drug dealer and missing witness in an important gangster case. Peron has stolen $900,000 in a Columbian drug deal, and there’s only three weeks to find him before the trial begins.

At a bar, Lottie is picked up by Peron (she doesn’t know it’s him). Giving in to her thrill-seeking impulse, Lottie acts out her prostitute fantasy with Peron. However, while Lottie freshens up at his pad, Peron is murdered. She never sees the killer. Afraid of being accused, she covers up all the evidence, then phones in a tip that a murder has taken place. Lottie finds the money and struggles with whether to keep it or not. She ends up turning it in, but not before the movie lapses into total idiocy and inane characterizations and dialogue exchanges.

The movie is filled with characters who lack self-control. Morgan is married, but his sexual harassment of Lottie is endless. The assistant District Attorney, also involved with the case, sleeps with Lottie on their first encounter. Thus, the premise of the movie that it’s easy to lose control over life’s impulses, and only through our own efforts can we overcome.

To its discredit, the movie never suggests that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). This is “because the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so” (Romans 8:7).

Lottie, also, is about as far away from a Proverbs 31 role model as one can get. Her acting is good, but negated by a horrible script and storyline that’s mired in a cesspool of hostilities. Save your money on IMPULSE.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Address your comments to:

Mr. Robert A, Daly


Warner Brothers, Inc.

4000 Warner Blvd

Burbank, CA 91522

(818) 954-6290