Foster Care Influencer Shares Incredible God Moment
By Movieguide® Contributor
A foster care advocate and mom of four shared the incredible way that God used her and her husband to encourage a new foster family.
“We drove 23 miles across town for a date night and then decided to go shopping @carters for the boys. They didn’t really need anything, but I couldn’t resist. As soon as we walked in the door, I locked eyes with a woman holding a tiny newborn. I couldn’t help but comment on how beautiful the baby was. To my surprise, the woman told me that the baby had just been given to them,” Tracy, who runs the @fosterwhileblackfam Instagram account, shared. “My heart sank for the baby girl, and I couldn’t believe that his woman, whom I had never met before, freely shared this information with me.”
“Rarely are we in that particular part of town, but we ended up having a conversation with the couple, I told them who I was and what I do, we exchanged information and offered our support. Just like the way many of you have poured into the children I’ve asked you to support, we did the same,” she continued. “We may never see or hear from the couple again, but I’m forever grateful for this God moment.”
The fosterwhileblackfam Instagram account encourages families to get involved with the foster care system and consider adopting kids into their families. Tracy and her husband Mik have adopted three sons and have one biological daughter of their own.
Tracy, a woman of color, particularly urges the black community to get involved with foster care, even when that means raising kids of a different ethnic background. Two of Tracy and Mik’s sons are Caucasian, and while this has led to many rude comments and awkward public interactions, they are so thankful to be caring for these boys.