
OVERCOMER Actress Priscilla Shirer Home After Intensive Lung Surgery

Photo via Movieguide® archives

OVERCOMER Actress Priscilla Shirer Home After Intensive Lung Surgery

By Jessilyn Lancaster, Managing Editor

OVERCOMER actress Priscilla Shirer tweeted that she was home after an intensive lung surgery earlier this week.


In a Facebook post that has since been removed, Shirer wrote:

Three years ago, my doctors discovered a small nodule in my left lung. Several pulmonary specialists and I have watched it meticulously since then. This past summer, it was clear that something surgical needed to be done as the nodule had begun to grow and show signs of dangerous irregularities.

As you know, the past few months has been filled with alot of difficulty for my entire family. For those reasons, the surgery was delayed but I cannot put it off any longer without jeopardizing my own health. So this Monday, 1/13/20, surgeons will be removing an entire lobe of my left lung. Thank you for praying for me and for our entire family. We refuse to cave to fear, anxiety or a decrease in faith…because, well. . . .ain’t nobody got time for that!

Through it all, we still believe God. We are trusting Him for a favorable outcome and that I will return to full health personally and full function in ministry.

On the evening of January 13, author, speaker and preacher Beth Moore gave an update on the surgery, telling social media that Shirer did incredibly well.

On Wednesday, Shirer’s husband, Jerry, offered this update:

Shirer’s father, popular speaker, pastor and author, said that the body of Christ was in action as so many people interceded for his daughter.

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