
Rebecca Crews on 35-Year Marriage to Terry Crews: ‘I Followed Jesus’

Rebecca Crews on 35-Year Marriage to Terry Crews: ‘I Followed Jesus’

By Movieguide® Contributor 

Terry Crews’ wife, Rebecca King Crews, opened up about the secret to the couple’s enduring marriage. 

“People ask me all the time, ‘How did you guys make it so long?’ I believe with all my heart that there are two choices I made that were good: I followed Jesus, and I surrendered to Jesus my choice for husband. I told God that I wanted what he wanted for me,” she said on TBN. 

Terry and Rebecca married in 1989, and though it’s lasted through the years, their marriage hasn’t been without intense trials. 

Terry dealt with a pornography addiction, but in 2010, he confessed his struggle to his wife. 

“Terry was in New York City working on a new project when he decided to call his wife and come clean about his infidelity — as well as his years-long struggle with porn addiction. The couple still refers to that moment as their ‘D-Day,’” PEOPLE reported. 

Rebecca threatened to leave him, but eventually, God restored their marriage. 

“Today, I look at my husband, and I always say he’s a better man than me. He took hold of the Word of God, and he took hold of the Scriptures, and he just ran with all his might,” she said. “He said, ‘God, I don’t want to be like this anymore.’ And He amazes me every day. He really is the kinder, gentler version of Terry Crews because he let God do a work in his life.”

“When I talk about forgiveness, I’m not advocating for stupidity, but there is a freedom and a whole new life available to you when you operate in that grace,” Rebecca told PEOPLE.

She believes that people’s desire for love comes from a longing to know God’s love.

“I think deep within the heart of every individual there is a longing for a true, complete, loving relationship that is monogamous and that is eternal,” she added on TBN. “As much as we want to say we don’t believe, I think we cherish and respect and hope and secretly hope and long that there is such a thing, even if we think it’s a fairy tale, and I believe that speaks to the heart of man. I believe it speaks to the way we know God.”

Rebecca also recognizes that there is more to marriage than just happiness. 

“I think that if you only approach marriage from the standpoint of ‘I want to be happy’ or ‘I want all my romantic fulfillment’ whatever that looks like for you, I think you’re missing the component of purpose and destiny,” she said. 

Movieguide® previously reported: 

Rebecca Crews, wife of actor and former NFL player Terry Crews, recently reflected on a dark time when she thought her marriage was over.

“My husband and I had gone through a really bitter breakup, and we were trying to rebuild our marriage when we got into a verbal fight,” Rebecca recalled. “I’d always had these inner fears of rejection and abandonment, and so often, when we would fight, my husband would grab his things and leave. He would abandon me there with all my feelings. And it would always leave me in this frozen, fearful state. I would sit there, holding my breath, rocking in the chair with my pillow because my greatest fear was him leaving me. I couldn’t pray. I couldn’t talk. It just was this bitter dark void that I could not find expression for.”

When Terry was out, Rebecca would mourn until she turned her grief into prayer.

“God, what do I do?” Rebecca remembers praying. And the Lord answered, “Write, Rebecca.”

“My hands instantly fell to the keyboard, and the song ‘Breathless’ came to me in about 10 minutes,” the 55-year-old speaker and author shared. “That started a journey with my writing, where I write whatever is going on in my life. I write about some of the pain that I’ve gone through, write about some of the things people have shared with me, their stories of heartbreak — and God’s faithfulness.”

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