Tyler Perry Pays Grocery Bills for The Elderly
By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor
Tyler Perry paid grocery bills for elderly shoppers at 29 groceries stores in New Orleans and 44 Krogers in the Atlanta-area.
“We would like to join our customers in thanking Mr. Perry for his kindness and generosity during this unprecedented pandemic,” said Felix Turner of Atlanta-area Krogers. “It was truly a pleasure to see our customers fill with joy and gratitude as the news spread throughout 44 stores across metro Atlanta.”
Perry showed his generosity during senior hour for shoppers, before stores open to the general public.
As for why Perry picked these two cities, NOLA is Perry’s hometown, while Atlanta houses Tyler Perry Studios.
AJC reported a few testimonies about Perry’s kindness including by female shopper, Janette Mass:
Janette Maas, a 61-year-old retired airline pilot, had finished her weekly shopping at a Maretta Kroger during the 7 a.m. seniors-only hour Wednesday and thought something was amiss because the self check-out lanes were closed. The cashier told her an anonymous donor had covered her $60 in groceries, and her receipt said “Atlanta Angel.” “I got my Kroger fuel points,” she said.
She later heard Perry was the donor, and said she was thinking of finding a Madea movie to watch later as thanks.
👏 @tylerperry paid it forward and purchased groceries for nearly 3,000 senior shoppers today at Kroger stores across Atlanta. You can see how much this means by the look on their faces. Thank you, Tyler, for your generosity! 💙 pic.twitter.com/L57nfNqm3g
— Kroger (@kroger) April 8, 2020
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