
BEBEFINN: Season Two: Episode 1: “Bebefinn Best Nursery Rhymes”

"Nursery Rhymes and Songs Teach Life Lessons in Fun Ways"


What You Need To Know:

BEBEFINN is an animated series on Netflix from the creators of BABY SHARK. It revolves around the adventures and playtime of three children, Baby Finn, Brody and Bora. It’s a vibrant program designed to foster family interaction and learning in pre-school children. Episode 1 of Season Two centers on nursery rhymes. It encourages children to dance to infectious music while learning fundamental concepts like colors, numbers and seasons. It features familiar favorites like “Old MacDonald” and “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.”

BEBEFINN uses bright colors and upbeat songs to captivate young children. Some tunes in Episode 1 of Season Two are purely for fun and to get children dancing, like “Baby Shark” and “Ten Little Monkeys.” Other songs promote values like kindness, family unity, perseverance, good manners, and personal safety with a blend of education and fun. The songs often feature the children spending time with their parents. The program maintains a wholesome tone throughout each song. Thus, Episode 1 of BEBEFINN: Season Two has no disturbing cartoon violence, foul language or other objectionable content. One song, however, does include references to bodily functions.


(BB, CC, V, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview, with many of the show’s songs centered around being kind to others, spending time with family, obeying rules to keep yourself safe, and not giving up, plus the family sings “Deck the Halls” to celebrate Christmas;

Foul Language:
No foul language;

Some very light violence such as one song where three children, holding five stuffed toy sharks, sing about five sharks jumping on a bed, and each shark falls off the bed and bumps its head (one of the children throws the toy shark onto the floor), but the children’s mother plays a doctor and puts a Band-Aid on the stuffed toy shark’s head;

No sex;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs;

Miscellaneous Immorality:
The “Poo Poo Song” refers to “poo poo” and “pee pee.”

More Detail:

BEBEFINN is an animated series on Netflix. It revolves around the adventures and playtime of Baby Finn and his siblings, Bora and Brody, who learn about the world around them through songs. Themes focus on daily life routines, basics like colors and shapes, and interactions with other people, including their parents.

Episode 1 of Season Two centers on familiar nursery rhymes like “Old MacDonald,” “Head Shoulders Knees and Toes,” and songs about daily life like “Boo Boo Song,” “Bus Safety Song,” and “Good Manners.” Finn, Bora, and Brody learn to try new things independently in the song “I Can Do It By Myself.” They also discover how to follow the rules and keep themselves and others safe in “Bus Safety Song.” They learn the importance of being polite in “Good Manners.”

Other songs feature the children spending time with their parents in “Five Little Sharks,” “Fruit Juice Song,” “Boo Boo Song,” and “Working Working.” The kids grasp the importance of not giving up when a new activity is complex in “Bike Song.”

Some tunes are purely for fun and to get children dancing, like “Baby Shark,” “Ten Little Monkeys,” and “The Birthday Song.” In “Five Little Sharks,” the children and parents go from singing about five little sharks jumping on the bed, to applying the “Baby Shark” song to Grandpa, Grandma, Mommy, and Daddy Shark as well as Baby Shark. These musical numbers show Finn, Bora and Brody playing together and with their parents.

BEBEFINN is an animated musical series for young children. Episode 1 of Season Two teaches children basic knowledge of colors, numbers, and seasons, as well as having good manners, trying new things, and working together. Episode 1 also teaches lessons about being polite to others, like covering your mouth when you sneeze and not littering.

Episode 1 of BEBEFINN: Season Two has an overall moral worldview with many songs centered on working together, being kind to animals, spending time with family, and not giving up. It focuses on familiar nursery rhymes and songs that teach lessons about everyday life. In one song, the family celebrates Christmas by singing “Deck the Halls.” One song refers to “poopoo” and “peepee.” Episode 1 of Season Two has no disturbing cartoon violence, though the children sing about five little sharks falling and bumping their head in one song.

Overall, BEBEFINN: Season Two: Episode 1 is a family-friendly, safe program for younger children.

Quality: - Content: +3
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