

What You Need To Know:

YOU’RE NEXT is the fourth animated movie in the MY HERO ACADEMIA television series from Japan. Deku, a teenager training to be a great superhero, and his friends fight against the Gollini crime family and its leader, “Dark Might.” Dark Might is trying to replace the world’s greatest superhero, All Might. Dark Might creates an ever-growing warship that absorbs people. He’s using the power of a girl named Anna to expand his own powers. Deku and his friends team up with Anna’s guardian to save her and stop Dark Might from taking over the world.

MY HERO ACADEMIA: YOU’RE NEXT is a fun ride. The story is straightforward, but exciting. The dubbed version has incredible voice acting, clean animation and emotional music. YOU’RE NEXT has a strong moral worldview. The heroes risk their lives for the sake of others. Also, the teenage hero’s mentor inspires him and his friends to be good people rather than great heroes. YOU’RE NEXT also speaks out against euthanasia. However, it has lots of action violence and some foul language. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children.


(BB, C, ACAC, LL, VV, N, A):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview stresses good always triumphing over evil, the heroes put their lives on the line for the sake of others, the teenage hero’s mentor inspires him and his friends to be good people over being great heroes, the mentor also shows them that true heroics have nothing to do with power but rather good ethics and morals to guide good decisions, and the teenage hero takes a strong stand against euthanasia, strongly implying that it’s never right, and that there’s always a better way, plus the heroes fight against tyranny;

Foul Language:
13 obscenities (mostly “d” and “h” words);

Lots of strong and light action violence such as punches being thrown between friends, strong gun violence by villains and another character, fires, explosions, and rampant destruction;

No sex;

Some upper male nudity, and girls in bikinis;

Alcohol Use:
The villain drinks a glass of wine at one point;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Nothing else objectionable.

More Detail:

YOU’RE NEXT is the newest theatrical release in the MY HERO ACADEMIA anime series from Japan. The movie takes place after the events of Season Six and right before Season Seven.

For those unaware, the world of MY HERO ACADEMIA takes place on an Earth where having superpowers or “quirks” is not only commonplace, but being a superhero is an actual career path. For the longest time, the greatest superhero in this world was the powerful All Might, the symbol of peace, who has multiple superpowers, until he gets injured and finds a new protege. All Might meets a heroic but quirkless teenager named Izuku. He instantly sees in him the potential to be the greatest superhero and passes all his superpowers onto Izuku.

After inheriting All Might’s superpowers, Izuku goes to train at the superhero academy UA, where he befriends his entire class and starts going by the hero name Deku. As the series progresses, Deku learns how to use the various powers from All Might and becomes more adept at using them.

This is where YOU’RE NEXT begins, with Deku and his friends chasing escaped criminals. While doing so, Deku notices a young girl named Anna captured by one of these criminals. When he tries to save her, he’s stopped by two people. One is a member of the Gollini crime family. The other is a trigger happy, tech savvy, butler named Giulio. Giulio seems intent on killing Anna. However, Deku stops Giulio.

Meanwhile, Valdo, the head of the Gollini family, declares himself the successor to All Might. He also declares that he will be the new symbol of peace, not Deku. He and his criminal empire kidnap Anna and create a massive mobile fortress warship. The fortress warship starts wrecking Japan and absorbs all people it comes into contact with, including Deku, his classmates and Giulio.

At this point, Giulio reveals to Deku that he was Anna’s servant. He says Anna’s superpower will either amplify someone else’s power, or cause them massive pain, depending on whether they’re compatible with her. Her captor, Valdo, starts calling himself Dark Might because he intends to use her to take over the world and the real All Might objects to Valdo’s evil ways.

Giulio tells Deku that the reason he was trying to kill Anna is to fulfill her wish that if anyone is truly hurt by her superpowers, he would end the suffering by killing her. Giulio intended to carry this out, because he truly loves Anna. However, Deku talks Giulio into saving Anna from Dark Might and using their resources at UA to help her. Giulio agrees.

This leads to an all-out battle between the UA students and the Gollini family. Deku and his friends try to save as many civilians as possible. Can Deku and Giulio stop Dark Might from taking over the world? Can they save Anna?

Moviegoers will enjoy MY HERO ACADEMIA: YOU’RE NEXT. The movie is rather entertaining, with lots of exciting action laced with humor. It’s also nice to see the superhero genre take more practical approaches to what life with powers would truly be like. In addition, the main hero, Deku, is a sweet, good-hearted individual who always looks for a better option to solving his problems than just the simplest one. The animation quality of YOU’RE NEXT is flawless. The art style is interesting while also having very stimulating and intriguing design concepts.

YOU’RE NEXT has a strong moral worldview. The main characters, especially Deku, are always looking to solve their problems by taking the high road. Deku doesn’t like violence or killing. He always fights for true justice and even talks a character out of committing euthanasia.

The biggest flaw with YOU’RE NEXT is the amount of violence. It is basic superhero action violence, but it’s violence nonetheless. There are multiple battles between the villains and heroes. Even though the bad guys start off winning, the heroes win in the end. There is some blood like when a character crashes through the walls. Most of the action sequences are physics defying and would normally result in major injury or death had cartoon physics not been applied. The violence is not gratuitous, though, and moves the plot along smoothly. The movie also has some foul language.

MY HERO ACADEMIA: YOU’RE NEXT is aimed for teenagers, not younger children. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for older children.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4