Season 1 Episode 1
Very strong Christian worldview and content with multiple prayers, scenes in church serves, and statements about God not giving anyone more than they can handle and trusting His will, with very strong patriotic content showing American soldiers wanting to do what’s right and helping the locals; moderate war time violence with battles that result in many people getting shot, some brutal wounds are shown, including bullet wounds and missing limbs, a child’s foot has a terrible gash on it; 31 obscenities (mostly “s, “a” and “h” words) and two light profanities over two episodes, soldiers joke about a local whose name is “Mothar Focker,” man vomits; no sexual content, but character jokes about how he had a dream about his wife and he was grateful he wasn’t next to his fellow soldier, otherwise he’d be “humping” him; no nudity; no drinking; smoking of cigarettes; and, a child is disrespectful to his father.