"Prince of Peace"
What You Need To Know:
THE YOUNG MESSIAH is a very well crafted movie. It brings tears to the eyes of everyone who screens it. It is also theologically sound and avoids the book’s theological pitfalls. The movie is like a visual, entertaining sermon that presents the totality of who Jesus is in a wonderful, unique, winsome, dramatic way. THE YOUNG MESSIAH is not only a must see movie; it’s also, a movie you’ll want to see many times.
(CCC, BBB, V, N, AA, M) Very strong Christian worldview about Jesus as a young boy coming to know he’s fully God and fully Man and bringing healing, peace and grace to those around him; no foul language; some light violence in several places, first when a young bully falls and seems to die but Jesus brings him back and some Roman soldiers fight with some zealots, Herod threatens violence, neighbors threaten violence, several people are healed from deadly sicknesses; Herod makes some sexual innuendoes and is hedonistic; belly dancers but fully clothed, female cleavage, upper male nudity; Herod drinks an excess of wine and may be slightly drugged; no smoking or modern illegal drugs; and, deception, cruelty and threats opposing Jesus.
More Detail:
THE YOUNG MESSIAH is a movie about the young Jesus living in Egypt with Mary and Joseph and then returning to Israel. It is extremely powerful and emotional, and represents all the elements of who Jesus is in theologically orthodox, allegorical way.
In the beginning, a bully is picking on Jesus and a young girl in Egypt. The bully slips and seems to die, and everyone blames Jesus. Jesus goes into the young bully’s room and resurrects him. The Egyptians want Jesus and his family out of Alexandria.
When Joseph hears in a dream that Herod the Great has died, and he takes his family back to the Holy Land with his close relatives. Along the way, Jesus’ cousin reveals more about his birth and his parents’ perspective toward who he is. These revelations are accompanied by miraculous demonstrations of Jesus’ divinity when his uncle is healed and when he saves his family from danger.
It is clear that Jesus is the young Messiah when he speaks to the rabbi in the temple and another rabbi and answers brilliantly. The forces of darkness, as represented by a devilish figure, are opposed to Jesus, and the jeopardy builds in such a way to bring us close to who Jesus really is.
Meanwhile, Herod’s namesake has heard rumors that the young messiah survived his father’s murderous attack in Bethlehem. He orders Severus, a Roman centurion who was there in Bethlehem, to hunt the young messiah down and kill him.
THE YOUNG MESSIAH is a very well crafted, entertaining movie. It brings tears to the eyes of everyone who screens it. It is also theologically sound and avoids the theological pitfalls of the Anne Rice book CHRIST THE LORD that inspired the movie. Therefore, the movie reveals Jesus in a unique way that will help people understand the truth of who he is, and that he came to set people free and give them a more abundant life.
There have been more than 140 movies that are either Christ stories and representations that may be allegorical, or Jesus films with direct historical stories about Jesus. THE YOUNG MESSIAH is a Christ film. Though there are stories about Jesus in Egypt, this is a dramatic visual story that presents the totality of who Jesus is in a wonderful, unique, winsome way. It will reach the hearts and the minds of millions who don’t know the story. THE YOUNG MESSIAH is not only a must see movie. It’s a movie you’ll want to see many times.
Hear more about Jesus in movies from filmmakers, here: