Top 10 Kids & Family Movies that Demonstrate the Fruits of the Spirit
By Movieguide Contributor
The Bible says that Christians will be known by their fruit (Matt. 7:16-20), more specifically the fruits of the Spirit. We’ve gathered the following movies that showcase one or more of these fruits, such as love, kindness, and patience. INSIDE OUT 2 includes the character Joy, and CHARLOTTE’S WEB deals with themes of kindness. Enjoy our roundup of movies that have the fruits of the Spirit at the forefront of their messages.

+2 Moderately questionable elements.SUMMARY: INSIDE OUT 2 is a sequel to the popular, acclaimed 2015 animated comedy from Pixar and Disney. Riley, the young girl of the first movie, turns 13 and a bunch of unruly teenage emotions, led by Anxiety, take over Riley’s psyche and banish Riley’s other emotions, including Joy. INSIDE OUT 2 is a delightful, inventive, heartwarming movie about “the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10c) and doing the right thing, controlling your emotions, caring for your friends, both old and new, and promoting kindness, friendship, repentance, and forgiveness.
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+3 Some minor questionable elements. (Media-wisdom is suggested to discuss.)THE VELVETEEN RABBIT is a movie short on Apple TV+ about a stuffed rabbit who helps bring a shy, lonely boy out of his shell. Accompanied by the excellent storytelling of the original book by Margery Williams, THE VELVETEEN RABBIT is sheer artistic genius and shows that sacrificial love is the key that unlocks the door to the magic of self-discovery, purpose and life.
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+2 Moderately questionable elements.Adam Sandler’s latest movie on Netflix, LEO, is a clean, clever, utterly wonderful animated musical comedy for all ages that follows a talking lizard named Leo who helps some students and their mean teacher with numerous life lessons. Leo has spent his entire 74 years of life in a glass-encased terrarium at an elementary school fifth-grade classroom alongside his best friend, Squirtle the Turtle, but now wants to see the world.
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+2 Moderately questionable elements.ENCANTO is a lively animated musical about a girl living in an isolated magical village in Colombia where everyone in her family has a magical gift but her, but she becomes the only one who can save her family from losing its magic. Beautifully produced, funny and heartwarming, ENCANTO sounds like it could be filled with witchcraft, but the movie explicitly states that family is the real magic and contains overt Christian references, themes, images, and symbolism, which form the backdrop to the story and plot.
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+4 Biblical, usually Christian, worldview, with no questionable elements whatsoever.FACING THE GIANTS is a thoroughly entertaining high school football movie with a strong evangelistic thrust. When Coach Grant realizes that the importance of the football team is not winning the game but serving God, he completely rebuilds the team, revival breaks out in the school, and miracles start to happen. MOVIEGUIDE® commends the filmmakers for producing such an inspiring, entertaining movie.
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FROZEN (2013)
+3 Some minor questionable elements. (Media-wisdom is suggested to discuss.)FROZEN is an animated comic fantasy from Disney about a princess who must convince her sister, the queen, to bring summer back after she uses magic powers to freeze the kingdom. FROZEN is not only a funny, entertaining movie, with incredible animation, its highly redemptive, moral premise shows that true love is sacrifice.
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+4 Biblical, usually Christian, worldview, with no questionable elements whatsoever.CHARLOTTES' WEB is a live action movie of the beloved children's novel, about a young farm girl named Fern, a small pig named Wilbur, and a spider named Charlotte. CHARLOTTE'S WEB is a radiant delight for children of all ages, a brilliantly plotted movie filled with positive moral messages and signs of God's grace penetrating ordinary life.
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+4 Biblical, usually Christian, worldview, with no questionable elements whatsoever.GRACE UNPLUDGGED is about the young daughter of a former rock star who found Jesus and now must lead his wayward daughter away from bad influences and back to Christ. GRACE UNPLUDGGED keeps you on the edge of your seat and is one of the best, most entertaining, and most powerful, heartrending Christian movie ever produced.
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+1 Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)DESPICABLE ME is a very witty, heartfelt animated movie about an extremely sinful character transformed by the love of three little girls. The ending to DESPICABLE ME is so uplifting and redemptive that it overshadows some of the action violence, slapstick comedy and light scatological references.
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+2 Moderately questionable elements.THE INCREDIBLES is another incredible animated movie from Pixar and Disney, about two retired superhero parents who must battle a villain targeting their family. Beautifully animated, THE INCREDIBLES is full of exciting energy, fantastic fun, and humorous hilarity, with a very strong redemptive, Christian worldview full of many positive moral messages.
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