
How Actor Arthur Godfrey Realized ‘God Is Still Running The Show’

Photo from IMDb

How Actor Arthur Godfrey Realized God Is ‘Still Running The Show’

By Movieguide® Staff

An actor, radio and television broadcaster, and entertainer, Arthur Morton Godfrey also believed that God held ultimate control over the universe.

Godfrey, who was often introduced by his nickname “The Ol’ Redhead,” said that everyone experiences a moment where they have to choose to believe that God exists or ignore it and only believe in science.

“Somewhere in this universe is a timeless, undeniable force. It’s stronger than granite, steel, majestic mountains towering into the sky—or nuclear fission,” Godfrey wrote in an article from 1950.

“Sooner or later—in strange and different manifestations—that force touches every human. Sure, some pass it off as a phenomenon that somehow cannot be reduced to exact scientific formula. To others it is the hand of the Almighty—a reminder that regardless of the grandeur of man and his accomplishments—God is still ‘running the show’ here on earth,” he added.

For Godfrey, that moment came early in his life, after leaving his childhood home to make his own way in the world.

“Now, I want to tell you of such an experience. I have remembered it across the years and it will ring in my memory for as long as I live. It’s about my dad—God bless him!” he recalled. “Let me explain a little about my dad. He was one of the most brilliant and warm persons I have ever known. A lecturer, newspaper man, magazine writer and raconteur—he was at home in any society. He was the well-rounded man I always wanted to be.”

“Of course, he had his failings, too. One was a disinclination towards business and finance. As a result, he went through several small fortunes and sometimes things were tough at home. That’s why I went on my own at 15. But I never blamed Dad,” he added. “All this is prelude to the point I want to make. But, if in telling it—one human, faltering on the precipice of lost faith or shaken belief—takes heart—my telling the story will have been worthwhile.”

Despite his father’s shortcomings, Godfrey recognized how God used them to grow his relationship with the Creator of the universe.

“For out of it, I learned first-hand about that timeless force in this world. Now, whenever the adulation of the crowd dins in my ears… whenever temporary wealth and fame assault my senses and balance—it helps me remember that force—transcendent above the world itself,” he said. “It makes me remember how the hand of God is at work constantly and I am humble in His presence.”

Godfrey recalled:

It was in 1923. I was stationed onboard a Navy destroyer—in charge of radio communications. I had knocked around a lot since I left home. The years and life had not been too kind, but the Navy had been a sanctuary, the only security I had known for a long time. One day, tired, I fell asleep in my bunk, and I dreamed.

My dad—I had not seen him for years—suddenly walked into the room. He offered his hand, saying, “So long, Son.” I answered, “So long, Dad.” I said some kind of prayer. It wasn’t eloquent, but it came from the heart.

I never saw him again. When I woke up, my buddies told me that at the exact time while I was asleep, the wires from shore hummed the news of my dad’s death.

Don’t tell me about science and its exact explanation of everything. Some things are bigger. God is the difference. He gets around.

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