How DUCK DYNASTY’s Korie Robertson Prays For Afghanistan, Haiti Amid Suffering
By Movieguide® Staff
Former DUCK DYNASTY star Korie Robertson recently shared her prayerful response to the devastating events happening in Afghanistan and Haiti.
Robertson’s post comes after the Taliban recently took control of the Afghan government and Haiti experienced a 7.2-magnitude earthquake that killed over 2,000 people living in Port-Au-Prince.
“I’ve been quiet on here for a few days. We’ve been on family vacation. It’s been beautiful and wonderful, but also my heart has been heavy,” Robertson wrote on Instagram. “The news of Afghanistan and Haiti is utterly heartbreaking. So much suffering in the world right now, it’s hard to even imagine.”
She added: “I still haven’t quite found the words, but when I can’t find them, God’s word is where I go. This verse keeps coming to mind… don’t lose heart.”
Robertson also shared a portion of scripture and encouraged her followers to pray for those suffering in Afghanistan and Haiti.
“Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day,” she quoted from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
Robertson also posted two hashtags to help encourage prayer.
“Praying for Afghanistan and Haiti, and for those suffering everywhere for hope, for peace, strength and for light in the darkness. #prayforhaiti #prayforafghanistan,” she concluded.
In an article published by 9Marks, Pastor Josh Manley—who is the pastor of RAK Evangelical Church in the United Arab Emirates, a brief plane flight away from Afghanistan—shared how people can pray for their brothers and sisters in danger of persecution and death at the hands of the Taliban.
“As Taliban forces have swallowed up Afghanistan and even now the capital city of Kabul, pastors in the country have been emailing and messaging me over the last few days, even hours, anxious for prayer,” Manley wrote. “Pastoring just a short flight away in the United Arab Emirates, I’ve had the opportunity to build partnerships with these men over the last decade.”
Manley listed the main ways pastors in Afghanistan have asked for prayer:
1. Physical Protection and Provision
2. Spiritual Provision
3. Gospel Advance
For a more in-depth explanation of how to pray for both Christians in Afghanistan, read Manley’s full article here.
Manley concluded:
“While these days are dark and tragic, remember that God sits on his throne in the heavens. He holds the rulers of this world in derision. He promises to make the nations his Son’s heritage, the ends of the earth his possession (Psalm 2:4, 8).”
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