
Why This Pastor Believes Our Lives Are Full of a Million Little Miracles

Photo from Mark Batterson’s Instagram

Why This Pastor Believes Our Lives Are Full of a Million Little Miracles

By Movieguide® Contributor

Pastor and author Mark Batterson explained how and why Christians should look for miracles in their everyday lives.

“Life can become a chore and a bore if you forget the fact that there are everyday miracles all around us all the time,” Batterson told Movieguide®. “Albert Einstein said, ‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as if nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is.’ And the truth is, I think every breath we take, every beat of the heart, we a pretty fearfully and wonderfully made…Let’s get a little perspective and remind ourselves that life is a miracle in and of itself, and God performs millions of miracles every single day.”

Batterson believes that to get this perspective, Christians need to look to the Bible and see what it has to say about creation and humanity. His understanding of everyday miracles comes from the Bible’s explanation of who humans are and who God is.

“Nothing is as simple as it seems and everything is more miraculous than we can imagine,” Batterson said. “And I think that’s true of everyone and everything.”

“What’s beautiful is when we start to see ourselves and see other people [as miracles], it changes the way that you treat people,” he continued. “One way to say it is the image of God in me greets the image of God in you. And it’s this reminder that scripture says that we were made a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory. I think this high view of humanity is pretty important.”

When considering our lives and the little miracles that occur every day, Batterson reminds us that God holds all things together. Because of this, we can trust in and rely on His power in all things.

“He is able to do immeasurable more than all we can ask or imagine according to His power that’s at work within us… [He] isn’t a far off, distant God,” he said. “This is a God who knows the number of hairs on your head, who has your name tattooed on the palm of His hand. You are seen, heard and loved by God.”

Batterson is getting ready to release a new book that explores the same topic. It’s called “A Million Little Miracles: Rediscover the God Who Is Bigger Than Big, Closer Than Close, and Gooder Than Good.” A synopsis reads

In our age of instant access to information, we are in danger of losing our grip on our most ancient emotion—childlike wonder. We need to cultivate a holy curiosity. For what? For everything! Too many of us are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we end up worshiping a god who looks like us, thinks like us, and votes like us. As a result of our impoverished view of God, most of us are only living at half capacity—we let anxiety keep us from purusing our dreams because we can’t see that God is far bigger than our biggest problems and close enough to help.

“never experienced a miracle? with all due respect, you have never not. in fact, YOU ARE ONE,” Batterson wrote on Instagram when he announced the book. “Rediscover EVERYDAY MIRACLES we take for granted and start taking them for gratitude!”