Terry Crews Reveals God Spoke to Him Amid Addiction
By Movieguide® Contributor
Actor and 2023 Movieguide® Awards host Terry Crews revealed how God spoke to him at a pivotal time of crisis in his life.
“God literally told me and…I mean, I heard it. He said, ‘If you don’t come clean to her, I’m done with you,’” Crews said on TBN’s PRAISE, recalling when he told his wife, Rebecca, about his serious pornography addiction.
“I was like, ‘Wait a minute, God. Wait, wait, wait.’ He’s like, ‘I’ve had enough. I’ve given you grace…Every time, I let you come back, and you get a chance to clean it up, and you didn’t. If you don’t do this now, I’m gone,’” the AMERICA’S GOT TALENT actor recalled.
He immediately felt convicted and told his wife everything, including that he cheated on her.
“I remember hearing this audible gasp, and it was the most painful thing I ever heard in my life because it’s real now. And literally, she said, ‘I’m done with you. Go. You can’t come home. It’s a wrap. It’s over.'”
She threatened to leave him, but they sought counsel and went to therapy. Crews admitted he needed to go to rehab, and “miraculously,” they’re still together today.
Movieguide® reported:
“Today, I look at my husband, and I always say he’s a better man than me. He took hold of the Word of God, and he took hold of the Scriptures, and he just ran with all his might,” she said. “He said, ‘God, I don’t want to be like this anymore.’ And He amazes me every day. He really is the kinder, gentler version of Terry Crews because he let God do a work in his life.”
“When I talk about forgiveness, I’m not advocating for stupidity, but there is a freedom and a whole new life available to you when you operate in that grace,” Rebecca told PEOPLE.
“The most brilliant word that [a] pastor gave me was that you need to get better for you. And that changed everything. ‘Cause usually it’s like I want to get my wife back…but that’s her decision. That’s not my decision,” Crews said.
“I still need to work on me. God was like, ‘I’m dealing with you right now,” he explained.
Terry and Rebecca are still happily married and are proud parents to five adult kids.
“We kind of wrap everything up in achievements, but the movies and all the things I’ve done? They’re not my legacy,” Terry previously told Parade. “It’s really my son, and my daughters, and my family. That’s the legacy.”
A few years ago, Rebecca discovered she had stage 1 breast cancer. Terry was there to support her all the way.
“My husband has watched me go through a lot, but the look on his face…he looked at me like I was going to die,” she said in 2020. “He told me it felt like his insides were melting. I said, ‘I need you to be strong for me,’ and he said, ‘Okay’ and hugged me, but I think he needed that hug.”
Eventually, she had to have serious operations, a double mastectomy and a reconstructive surgery.
In recovery, she said, “I have to give him his props because he’s been cooking for me, helping me bathe, and just really stepping up.”