

"Turns Out God Is Greater Than Luck"

What You Need To Know:

I AM PATRICK: PATRON SAINT OF IRELAND is a docudrama that unpacks Saint Patrick’s life according to historical experts and his famous letter, the “Confessio.” During the course of the movie, viewers learn more about Patrick’s upbringing in Britain and how he escaped slavery and imprisonment in Ireland. After returning home to Britain, he feels a call to pursue evangelism. Eventually, Patrick becomes a Christian bishop and returns to Ireland to minister to the people there.

I AM PATRICK is a great example of the right amount of balance between a narrative story and using talking heads, a standard in documentary filmmaking. Some of the actors are a bit melodramatic, but the original score and the lead, Johnathan Rhys-Davies, do a standup job enhancing the movie’s quality. I AM PATRICK has a very strong Christian/biblical worldview and stresses the value of evangelism, ministry, confession, prayer, and trusting in God. There are some scenes with violence and one instance with depicted blood, which merit some caution for younger children. I AM PATRICK: PATRON SAINT OF IRELAND is a must-see movie for Christians and history buffs.


(CCC, BBB, Pa, L, V, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Very strong Christian worldview where evangelism is stressed, baptism revered and conducted, confessions extolled, character trusts God, characters take communion, and prayer, plus paganism is mentioned in conjunction with the people of Ireland to whom St. Patrick ministered

Foul Language:
One instance of “hell” as foul language

A few scenes where characters get into physical altercations, but there’s no blood, an angry father grabs his daughter’s arm forcefully, servants of God killed, and some blood shown

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Brief miscellaneous immorality where characters take people to use them as slaves.

More Detail:

I AM PATRICK: PATRON SAINT OF IRELAND is a docudrama that unpacks Saint Patrick’s life according to historical experts and his famous letter, the “Confessio.” IAM PATRICK has a very strong Christian worldview and stresses the value of evangelism, ministry, confession, prayer, and trusting in God. There are some scenes with violence, and one instance with depicted blood, which merits some caution for younger children.

I AM PATRICK opens with a scenic landscape of the Irish coastlands. An old St. Patrick (played by John Rhys-Davies of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and LORD OF THE RINGS) narrates his thoughts on his life. St. Patrick sits down to write his famous letter the “Confessio.” Filmmakers interview historical experts, interspersed with actors portraying St. Patrick’s story.

Many may not know that St. Patrick wasn’t Irish but rather British. Patrick grew up in the church in the late 5th Century. As a young man, he was taken as a slave by Irish raiders. During this time, there was plenty of unrest in the Roman Empire. Still, one day, Patrick managed to flee from slavery but experienced imprisonment and the deep need to trust God through prayer.

Patrick returns home to open arms but later has a vision when he receives a letter. Patrick knows God is leading him to become a cleric. During his time studying to become a cleric, Patrick confides in his friend, Felix, about his childhood sin and confesses how he’s fallen short. To this day, there’s speculation about what the sin was, but there’s nothing concrete to suggest one thing or another.

Eventually, Patrick becomes a bishop and returns to Ireland to minister to the people there. According to the experts, Patrick had an effective ministry telling people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Cut to the opening scene where, after writing his “Confessio” letter, looks at the horizon in peace.

I AM PATRICK is a great example of the right amount of balance between a narrative story and using talking heads, a standard in documentary filmmaking. Three different actors play Patrick at different life stages, which might confuse some viewers, but the filmmakers do their best to cut confusion by stating the locations of events and the time periods. Also, some of the actors are a bit melodramatic but the original score and the lead, John Rhys-Davies, do a standup job enhancing the movie’s quality. I AM PATRICK is definitely a must-see movie for Christians and history buffs.

I AM PATRICK has a very strong Christian, biblical worldview. It stresses the value of evangelism, ministry, confession, prayer, and trusting in God. There are some scenes with violence and one instance with depicted blood, which merit some caution for younger children. However, I AM PATRICK is a great way to spend this year’s St. Patrick’s Day, which occurs on a Tuesday this year.

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Quality: - Content: +4