"And, Now, Here’s a Word from Planet Moron!"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
At one critical point late in this silly movie, Ben wonders if Andrew and he are just morons from the Planet Moron. Duh! We asked ourselves that very question when the boys decided to enter the amateur porn contest. This movie is full of explicit sexual references and plenty of strong foul language. Moviegoers will find it virtually unwatchable.
(PaPaPa, HoHoHo, PCPC, LLL, V, SS, NNN, AA, DD, MM) Very strong pagan worldview with a very strong homosexual theme that sees nothing wrong in sexual experimentation, but main characters are afraid to do it themselves, plus strong politically correct attitudes that are sometimes played for laughs and irony; 120 mostly strong obscenities, two strong profanities and three light profanities; light violence when male leads play basketball and they get a little rough with one another; depicted sex between married couple, kissing, women kiss, a reference to past adultery, and many verbal references to sex, including homosexuality; graphic male sex toy displayed briefly, graphic rear female nudity, brief upper female nudity in one scene, and upper male nudity; alcohol use and drunkenness; smoking and depicted marijuana use; and, lying, man lies to his wife, two men play one-upsmanship with one another, .
More Detail:
HUMPDAY is an independent movie exploring themes of male bonding, personal identity and latent homosexuality.
The movie opens in the middle of the night when Ben’s wayfaring friend from college, Andrew, suddenly showing up at his house. Ben’s wife, Anna, is startled, but she rolls with the punches, so they set up a sleeping bag for Andrew in the basement. Ben tells Andrew that Anna is a very understanding wife. Andrew fancies himself as an artist, but he has never completed a project in his life.
The next day, while Ben and Anna are working, Andrew meets a girl. Ben tries to fetch Andrew from her place so Anna can fix them her delicious porkchop dinner, but Ben has too much fun at the wild party at her place. At the party, Ben and Andrew learn that the local artists run an amateur porn contest to take pornography away from the pornographers. Filled with booze and marijuana, Ben and Andrew decide that they’re contribution to the contest will be a video of the two of them engaging in homosexual sodomy.
But, how exactly will that work? And, who’s going to tell Ben’s wife Anna?
At one critical point late in this silly movie, Ben wonders if Andrew and he are just morons from the Planet Moron. Duh! We asked ourselves that very question when the boys decided to enter the amateur porn contest.
Needless to say, this movie is full of explicit sexual references and plenty of strong foul language. Most moviegoers will find it virtually unwatchable.