-1 Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.ONWARD is a witty animated fantasy movie about two elf brothers, Ian and Barley, who set out to bring their deceased father back to life for a day. ONWARD is set in modern times but takes place in a fantasy world with magic at the heart of the story. However, ONWARD also has strong moral elements with some redemptive content stressing family relationships, sacrifice, and reconciliation.
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-2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults.THE WAY BACK is a sports drama about a middle aged man who drinks at all hours of the day but, when he’s asked to be a basketball coach, thinks of stepping up to the task. THE WAY BACK has amazing performances, an impressive script and an exceptional musical score, with a strong Christian, moral worldview overall, but it’s marred by lots of strong foul language. MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution.
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-2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults.Set in the Oregon Territory around 1820, FIRST COW tells the story of two men, an American cook and a Chinese sailor, who create a successful business on the frontier by stealing milk from the territory’s first cow, owned by the local bigwig, and making sweet biscuits out of the silky substance. FIRST COW recreates its time period well, and the acting is good, but the movie moves much too slowly, doesn’t take advantage of the story’s obvious comical aspects, and has a gloomy humanist worldview and an abrupt, kind of depressing ending that leave the fate of its characters dangling.
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-2 Extreme caution for older teenagers and adults.THE BURNT ORANGE HERESY is a psychological thriller about an English art critic who’s blackmailed by an art collector in Italy to entice an acclaimed but reclusive elderly painter living in the collector’s guest house to give him one of the secret new paintings he’s painted. The situation leads to arson, fraud and murder. THE BURNT ORANGE HERESY has a brilliant, provocative script about the nature of art and art criticism, with several great plot twists, but the movie’s marred by some strong foul language and an explicit bedroom scene, both of which add nothing to the story.
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