"Student Risks Her Life to Prove a Conspiracy Theory True"

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What You Need To Know:
Good directing and acting create plenty of suspense and adventure in ABANDONED CREATURES. The movie explores the ethics of scientific experiments on animals. It has good messages about caring for the earth and its creatures. ABANDONED CREATURES also has strong positive messages extolling the importance of friends and family. Aidan learns to lean on her friends and her father, who shows her love and protection. However, some scary creature attacks and other violence warrant caution for younger children.
More Detail:
ABANDONED CREATURES is a mystery adventure on Amazon Prime about the death of a science teacher who is murdered in the woods while investigating an urban legend of dangerous creatures left behind by a careless bio company years before. A loyal student is determined to vindicate her mentor by proving the legend true. The movie is a cautionary tale of the dangers of animal testing and believing wild animals are safe and have any sense of morality. There are some scary images where a creature attacks and kills a woman, and some other violence. So, caution is advised for younger children.
Aidan is a young girl without a mother. She’s being raised by her father, who doesn’t know how to connect with her, but he tries. She has a special relationship with her eccentric Science teacher, Linda Hodgson. The two share a love of sea creatures. Hodgson is killed in the woods while trying to uncover nefarious animal testing activities of a now defunct bio company on the outskirts of town.
Aidan grapples with the grief of losing her mentor and Science teacher. The town thinks the teacher was crazy. Aidan seeks to vindicate Hodgson’s reputation by proving the conspiracy theories were right. She begins by questioning a fisherman who once publicly confessed to working for the company. The fisherman tells her that if she pursues the matter, she’ll end up dead like others before her.
Aidan sets out on her journey despite the warning. One of her best friends, Zoe, decides to join her, but only after she’s convinced she can’t stop her. The pair find the Hodgson’s tent, along with her camera and collected data. It isn’t long before they hear the loud and spooky groaning of a creature.
Suspense builds as Aidan feeds the sea creature from the vantage point where the same sea creature killed her teacher. Aidan loses all sense of reality and becomes obsessed. In the process she pledges unquestionable trust to a wounded sea creature who can’t possibly reciprocate the sentiment.
Zoe notices and voices her concerns for Aidan’s safety. Aidan dismisses Zoe. Zoe decides to leave, but it’s too late, the creature has escaped.
The girls are face to face with the beast. The creature does show some feeling, but is it enough to overpower its monster-sized animal instincts? Meanwhile, friends attempt a rescue. The fisherman shows up with his rifle to rescue the girls.
Will Aidan finally realize that she seeks to bond with the impossible, and let go?
Good directing creates plenty of suspense and adventure in ABANDONED CREATURES. The movie explores unethical behaviors of some scientific experimentation on animals. There are good messages about the importance of caring for the earth and its creatures. The Bible teaches us that we are stewards of the earth. As Deuteronomy 11:12 says, “It is the land the Lord your God cares for.” ABANDONED CREATURES also has plenty of positive messages on the importance of friends and family. Aidan learns to lean on her friends and her father, who shows her love and protection. Some scary creature attack scenes and other violence warrant caution for younger children.