
LOST IN SPACE: Season 1: Danger, Will Robinson



(BBB, L, VV, S, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
  Very strongly moral worldview where courage, family, and self-sacrifice are firmly prized and rewarded over self-preservation, selfishness, and greed and the virtue of love is highly exalted;

Foul Language:
One implied obscenity, a wound is described grotesquely;

  A few scenes of combat of robot vs human and robot vs robot combat including punching, grappling, burning, crushing, throwing, etc.;

  A married couple kisses deeply;

 No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
 One mention of whiskey used as a wound-cleaning agent;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
  No smoking or drug content; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
  Lying, kidnapping, greed.

Episodes: Season Overview

1.24/13/2018Diamonds in the Sky+1
1.44/13/2018The Robinsons Were Here+2
1.104/13/2018Danger, Will Robinson+1

More Detail:

“Danger, Will Robinson” is the final episode of the first season of the rebooted LOST IN SPACE series. This is the Robinsons’ last chance to save their father, escape the planet and return to their transport ship before the planet kills them or they are abandoned forever. June has kidnapped the Robinson family with the help of the robot and tries to force them to abandon John and save themselves. However, the Robinsons fight back, and Will desperately tries to win back the robot’s loyalty.

“Danger, Will Robinson” is the final test for the show’s main moral conflict: sacrifice for each other versus self-preservation. June’s desire to save herself is ultimately unrewarded and a failure, while the Robinsons’ love for each other and willingness to even die for each other is heroic. The Robinsons value their family over everything else, and that deeply moral value carries heavily into the final show. This episode has some smaller plot items that feel especially contrived, but the larger plot is engaging and genuinely surprising. Most of the episode takes place in space, where the computer-generated graphics shine. A violent final battle between robots warrants caution.

Watch LOST IN SPACE: Season 1: Danger, Will Robinson
Quality: - Content: +1
Watch LOST IN SPACE: Season 1: Danger, Will Robinson
Quality: - Content: +1