

"Two Is Better Than One"


What You Need To Know:

Season 2 of exemplary Netflix series, SONIC PRIME, picks up where the first Season left off. Sonic learns from Shadow, his rival, how the shatterverse happened. He discov-ers through a series of events that it will take the two of them working together to fix this multi-dimensional problem.

Season 2 stays true to the family friendly and game faithful nature of the show’s maiden voyage. It is an enjoyable time traveling and dimension hopping adventure for all ages with top notch animation and a great sense of humor. The dominant worldview of Season 2 is much like that of the first where biblical morality extolls the virtues of friendship and self-sacrifice and characters learn from each other to overcome pride, forgive and work together to oppose evil. The second season of SONIC PRIME remains free of woke ele-ments, being both family friendly and game faithful. Overall, the series is a crowd pleas-ing expansion of the game world which has much to offer for children as well as adults. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children for some cartoon violence and peril.


(BB, C, ACAC, V, M)

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong moral worldview with redemptive virtues extolls friendship, self-sacrifice and learning from one another to overcome pride, to forgive and to work to-gether to oppose tyrannical evil

Foul Language:
No foul language

Mild an-imated violence, suspense and peril, including robots are beaten down, blown up and de-molished, main characters engaging in fistfights, and some threats from the bad guys

No sex

No nudity

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Bad guys lie and cheat, and two “good” characters betray their friends, but the jury is still out on the final outcome.

More Detail:

Season 2 of SONIC PRIME, available to stream on Netflix, picks up right where the first season left off.

Thrown once again into the Void between shatter spaces, Sonic comes face to face with his rival, Shadow the Hedgehog. It turns out Shadow teleported out of the Green Hill Zone with a Chaos Emerald when Sonic broke the Paradox Prism. Sonic’s foolhardy at-tempt to defeat Eggman at the risk of shattering the Prism led to the fracturing of reality itself. The separation of the pieces of the Prism created multiple alternate universes, such as New Yoke City, a dystopian version of the Green Hill Zone.

Shadow decides Sonic has had enough time trying to fix the problem he caused. So, he tries to use the tech Sonic got from Nine in New Yoke City to enter the shatter spaces himself. After Shadow fails to make it through the portals, he and Sonic discover that the only way to restore the Green Hill Zone reality is to work together.

Thus, Sonic will need to return to all the shatter spaces to retrieve their respective shards before the Chaos Council does. As he arrives in each space, he and his friends discover that their only hope of victory is to stand together and fight for a future worth inhabiting.

However, with the Chaos Council desperately seeking to harness the power of the shards, can Sonic get there before the Council does? And, what part will Shadow play in all this?

Season 2 stays true to the family friendly and game faithful nature of the show’s maiden voyage. It is an enjoyable time traveling and dimension hopping adventure for families with older children. The incorporation of Sonic’s rival as a vital part of the story is enjoy-able and a fan pleasing move. The epic team-up of Sonic and Shadow in the last episode tops off the great storytelling in Season 2. Fans of the franchise will cheer. The animation remains top notch and the show’s excellent sense of humor is still fully intact.

In this respect, one of the missteps of the series is to make a Baby Eggman character. In Season 1, this produced many strange and awkward moments. In Season 2, the creative team deals with this clear defect with a conscious admission of the notable problem by having characters comment on this. Sonic’s question, “How can one baby be so hate-able?” is one that many viewers and is one of several pointed moments where the creative team openly admits their mistake. This makes these moments even funnier because audi-ences are now laughing with them rather than at them.

The story stays very true to its video game source material while world building on a new level to give the franchise a multiverse, or shatterverse. Visuals, sounds, nods, and the in-teraction of Sonic and Shadow make the series that much more entertaining. Any fan would be delighted that Sonic finally has a show worth watching. Overall, the series is a crowd pleasing expansion of the game world which has much to offer for children as well as adults. It’s exciting to find Netflix turning out a series that media wise parents can en-joy with their children.

The dominant worldview of Season 2 is much like that of the first. The second season’s episodes have a strong biblical, redemptive morality that extolls the virtues of friendship and self-sacrifice. Characters learn from each other to overcome pride, forgive and work together to oppose evil. This is heightened by the addition of the teamwork displayed in the interaction of Sonic and Shadow. The fact that Sonic actually listens to Shadow’s ap-praisal of how he shattered their reality through selfishness shows positive character de-velopment. It is praiseworthy that he takes responsibility for the mistake he made and commits to fixing it. Joining forces with his rival for the good of all his friends is even more praiseworthy. Other characters also benefit from these developments.

Furthermore, Knuckles learns about fresh perspectives when confronted with a very dif-ferent version of himself which he must oppose. Also, Tales, as Nine, learns all over again what it means to have and be a true friend. Finally, Shadow and Sonic learn that two are definitely better than one.

Season 2 of SONIC PRIME remains free of woke elements, being both family friendly and game faithful. MOVIEGUIDE® advises caution for younger children for some car-toon violence and peril.

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Quality: - Content: +2
Quality: - Content: +2