
Big Tech Censorship Targets Babylon Bee Founder Again

Big Tech Censorship Targets Babylon Bee Founder Again

By Movieguide® Staff

As social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram increasingly censor what content they deem permissible to post, Christian conservatives are worried that the company’s censorship goes too far. 

Seth Dillon, founder of The Babylon Bee, was targeted this week after posting satire to Instagram.

In response, Dillon took to his personal Instagram account and said: “My days on Instagram are numbered. They just flagged another one of my posts as hate speech. This time it was satire.”

The satire piece’s caption read: “In ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ Remake, Angel Tells George Bailey To Kill Himself Because He’s White.”

This is just one example of censorship that has recently garnered the attention of conservative circles. 

In October, Dillon, expressed his frustration after Facebook decided to remove an article published as satire by The Babylon Bee because it “incited violence.” 

Movieguide® previously reported

On October 14, “America’s oldest newspaper,” the New York Post, published a story about damaging material found on a laptop that reportedly belonged to Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

The two social media giants both chose to immediately remove any post that shared New York Post articles.

Despite the outright censorship, the story went viral. The article had nearly 5 million views on the NYP’s website as of Wednesday afternoon.

Even Movieguide® experienced our share of censorship in April during the peak of the stay-at-home orders. We launched a short testimonial from our founder, Dr. Ted Baehr, sharing his testimony and the Gospel on YouTube. 

However, the message of hope was cut short after Google blocked it from receiving more views because it “violated their terms of service.”

As the tech companies’ terms of service and community guidelines become more vague, it seems like their moderators are as strict as ever–but with a double standard.  

Dillon pointed out their hypocrisy after The Bee’s first experience with censorship in October. 

“How fairly does Facebook enforce these standards? A Black Lives Matter leader recently said they’ll ‘burn down this system’ if change doesn’t happen. That’s allowed on Facebook. You can quote it. You can link to it. But you can’t rehash a Monty Python joke about burning a witch at the stake?”

Dillon continued: “Facebook says in their community standards that they take context into account when evaluating threats and incitements to violence. The evidence here suggests otherwise.”

Movieguide® stated previously: 

The issue here is not that any of us have actually violated these tech company’s vague community standards … it’s that big tech is reaching, stretching as hard as they can, to treat us as if we have.


Because they’re actively engaged in suppressing any view that doesn’t fall in lockstep with their own.

If this doesn’t frighten you, it should.

These companies have incredible power to not only influence culture, but to bend truth. They’ve already begun their attacks on us and many other faith-based companies. Some of us are able to fight back, many are not. That’s why we need our audiences to understand the threat, not only to us as a ministry, but to the future of free access to information, and the future of our country!

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